Introducing Mr Hassan

Getting to know Mr. Hassan – Wood Technology

We’d like to introduce our school community to a new member of the Arts/Technology team. He has kindly responded to some interview questions:


Upon graduating from the University of Melbourne, I commenced teaching Design and Technology in 1990, working for secondary schools within Victoria. I have since worked in a variety of schools around Australia and overseas. Upon my return to Australia in late 2008, I was approached to join Kurunjang Secondary College in Melton to lead and enhance the Technology department. I was fortunate enough to work in this capacity until 2022. Upon my recent decision to relocate to Ballarat, I was fortunate enough to gain a teaching position at Woodmans Hill Secondary College, teaching Design and Technology Woodwork. 


Teaching Design and Technology, Woodwork has always been a great passion of mine. It is a unique learning area and I strongly believe that it allows me to teach and for students to use and combine and wide variety of valuable skills found in all learning areas.  Design Technology allows students to bring their product ideas to life, using hands on technical skills in the construction. Folio work that incorporates inquiry-based learning, which includes literacy, numeracy, graphic communication, art, higher order thinking, as well as research and development just to name a few.


Each school day, I enjoy watching my students positively engage, multitask, and thrive. I believe this is the main factor for why I have continued to love my job over the past 33 years. I am very excited at the idea that I can help grow Design and Technology, as a subject, at Woodmans Hill Secondary College. I hope to see greater participation, continued joy for learning and for it to lead to strong VCE results and create successful pathways into VET, including apprenticeships. Most of all,  I really appreciate all the great timber products designed and produced by students in all year levels.


I strongly believe that the systematic and sequential approach to teaching and learning Design and Technology Woodwork, the acknowledgement and acceptance to change by students at Woodmans Hill Secondary School students, the support received from the school administration to upgrade and enhance the tools and equipment, the future looks very bright. I look forward to many wonderful and successful years ahead.