Learning Space News

Year 1/2
We have had a busy start to Term 2 with students already making progress in meeting their learning goals!
This term students are working on a range of skills with new goals in phonics, reading and writing. They are showing a lot of enthusiasm for their procedural writing lessons and have enjoyed writing down the steps of activities that they participated in. Whether it was making fairy bread, making lemonade, tying shoelaces, washing hands or putting on shoes and socks, students first completed the activity before writing the steps required to carry it out.
Another exciting development in the Year 1/2 space is the addition of weekly library sessions where texts can be borrowed and a mentor text is read and analysed by the learning group to explore the author’s voice!
How you can help at home:
- Supporting students to complete their take home readers each night
- Listening to students read and asking them questions about their text
There has been a range of stimulating and engaging learning activities to explore place value concepts, such as skip counting patterns, number lines and addition strategies.
They are exploring the likelihood of everyday events occurring through chance experiments. They will also be learning about 2D and 3D objects.
Students are learning about community history and the stories that are told about a place by looking at its pictures, people and artefacts. They w on an artefact walk around Athol Road and have found an old water pump and wooden structures in the school grounds. They learnt about the history of the Lunar New Year Festival in Springvale and identified landmarks in Springvale that are special to the community, such as the library, temples and Springvale Road shops.
Please come and have a chat with any of us before or after school if you have any questions for the teachers! We look forward to having a fantastic Term 2 together!