Key Dates

Scheduled Calendar Dates


Thursday 18th May                                     Twilight School, school starts at 12:30pm

Friday 19th May                                            Assembly at 3pm

Monday 22nd - Saturday 28th May       National eSmart Week

Wednesday 24th May                                 National Simultaneous Storytime

Thursday 25th May                                      District Cross Country

Monday 29th - Wednesday 31st May   Glasses for Kids Program (Foundation-Year 3)

Monday 29th May                                         Foundation Vet Incursion



Friday 2nd June                                              Division Cross Country

Friday 2nd June                                              Assembly at 3pm

Tuesday 6th June                                          Year 4 Excursion to the Polly Woodside

Wednesday 7th June                                    Foundation Excursion to CERES

Wednesday 7th June                                    Year 5/6 Excursion to Parliament House 

Thursday 8th June                                         State School Spectacular Rehearsal 

Friday 9th June                                               Mrs Toombs' Last Day at ARPS

Monday 12th June                                         King's Birthday Public Holiday

Tuesday 13th June                                        Curriculum Day, no school for students

Friday 16th June                                             Assembly at 3pm

Tuesday 20th June                                        Kindergarten Excursion to Myuna Farm

Wednesday 21st June                                  School Council Meeting

Friday 23rd June                                             Last Day of Term 2, students finish at 2:30pm