The Big Sister Experience

Two weeks ago, we were lucky enough to work with Kritz from The Big Sister Experience again. She ran sessions for some of our 5/6 students, our staff, and our parents.
This time, Kritz focused on anxiety in students. She looked at a range of causes of anxiety, as well as possible strategies that students could use to prevent or reduce anxiety. Classroom teachers will be working with their classes to teach and practise some of these strategies.
Some of the resources we worked through are available as PDFs below. If you would like a copy or copies printed off, please contact Mr Shuttleworth via Xuno or at
Wheel of Life
This resource allows students (and adults) to reflect on different elements of their life. This can be a great way to start a conversation around things that they're grateful for, and areas where they might need some support. As with all of these resources, it can be really beneficial for our kids to see adults using these strategies as well.
Mental Health Safety Plan
This resource allows students to identify what they need to look after their mental health. This can be a great resource for promoting positive mental health as well as responding to incidents of poor mental health.
Setting Boundaries (Buddy Battles)
We've begun using this framework for settling disagreements with friends or family. It can feel a bit forced at first, but we've found it can be a very helpful way for students to resolve their issues.
Additional Mental Health Resources