International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia and Transphobia


This is a day to celebrate the diversity of Australian community, and to take a stand against discrimination. This international day has been celebrated every year since 2004 in over 130 countries, helping raise awareness of the discrimination faced by LGBTIQA+ people around the world.


In 2023, Mordialloc College Respect Group celebrated IDAHOBIT with lunchtime activities from Kingston Youth Services and selling rainbow cupcakes.   Students were invited to share their understanding of being inclusive within the school community, and noted acceptance of others, being kind, treating people equally, being understanding and caring.




  • In at least 67 countries homosexuality is illegal
  • 11 of these countries have the death penalty (some of these by stoning), other penalties include prison from one year to life, whipping/lashes, fines
  • 14 countries criminalise the gender identity and/or expression of trans gender people
  • 34 countries have marriage equality

In Australia:

  • Gay sex was illegal until the 1980s when most states (except Tasmania) decriminalised this
  • 1994, the federal government passed The Human Rights Sexual Conduct Act of 1994 to override states and decriminalise consensual gay sex between adults Australia wide 
  • 1992 same sex attracted people were allowed to serve in the military
  • 2011 law passed to allow “X” option on passport and for transgender people to select their gender without medical intervention
  • 2013 Sex Discrimination Act passed making it illegal to discriminate against lesbian, gay, intersex, bisexual and transgender people 
  • Same sex marriage became legal December 9, 2017
  • 11 in 100 Australians may have a diverse sexual orientation or gender identity
  • 1.7% of children born in Australia are estimated to be intersex
  • 80% of LGBTIQ bullying occurs in schools
  • LGBTIQ people are 3 times more likely to experience depression


A definitive timeline of LGBT+ rights in Australia | SBS Sexuality

Human Dignity Trust

Australian Human Rights Commission


Pamela Johnson | Partnership Program - Secondary School Nurse | School Nursing Program

South Eastern Victoria Region - Bayside Peninsula Area