House Points

Bronze Awards

This week, during our year assemblies, we are awarding over 60 Bronze point badges for students that have received over 100 House points.


This is a great result and a real testament to our students that are actively involved in all the activities and opportunities offered at our school such as lunchtime clubs, production and community service, such as the emu bob. As well as being awarded points for demonstrating our four school values, particular emphasis this term has been a Whole School focus on ‘Respect.’


For parents and Carers that want to view their child’s points activity (which can be viewed through the MyMahi platform) please find three helpful links below:


MyMahi Connections - How to make a connection


MyMahi Connections - How to see your connection's activities


MyMahi Connections - How to accept connection request


Parents and Carers can also find the above instructions on by searching for Connections.


Simon Cummins

Acting Assistant Principal