Parent News

Parenting Courses Offered by Centacare and the Family Relationship Centre


Australian fathers spend far less time with their children than mothers do, surveys show – a source of regret for most dads. 

A quarter of fathers find meaningful one-on-one time with their children only once a week, a survey from the Fathering Project, a charity that works to improve the quality of Australia’s fathers’ relationships with their child, has found.

Much early research on parenting has focused on mothers. But new studies suggest high quality fathering – fathers who are warm, caring and emotionally-invested – provides big cognitive, social and emotional benefits to children.

Australian fathers tend to be less warm than mothers as parents, despite research showing paternal warmth is associated with better childhood development.

Fathers tend to engage in what scientists call “rough and tumble” play. Falling off a bike. Building a treehouse. All this – taking risks safely, bending the rules slightly – turns out to be pretty key to childrens’ development.

Fathers tend to play more with their children as they age, data suggests. When Dr Macdonald interviews them, they talk about doing things with their kids, playing with them, teaching them - stuff that seems more suitable for older children. “But sometimes fathers don’t know that infants can be really playful as well,” says Dr Macdonald.



Thurs 29 June 10.30am - 2.30pm Inverell

eSafety Parent and Carer Webinars

eSafety is the first government agency in the world dedicated exclusively to online safety. As the national online safely regulator, we are committed to helping all Australians have safer experiences by removing harmful content from the internet, as well as through a range of prevention, education and early intervention measures.


We help Australians deal with a range of online harms through our reporting services, for cyberbullying that targets a young person under 18, image-based abuse, and illegal online content, including child sexual abuse material. 


We also provide online safety training, advice and resources to parents, educators, young people and other at-risk communities.


Our eSafety Guide also provides the latest advice on games, apps and social media sites young people are using, helping parents, carers and educators understand the age recommendations, benefits and risks.


eSafety’s website – – is a place where parents / educators can go to find useful and evidence-based advice about online safety.

2023 Newsletter Issue 3 OUT NOW!!

Cancer Council Nutrition Snippets

Good for Kids

Behaviour Tip Sheet from - The Sydney Children's Hospital Network 0n


  • Sensory Processing Difficulties
  • Self Injury
  • Aggression
  • Navigating Adolescence



Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). Information fact sheet.


Every year, all schools in Australia participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). The NCCD process requires schools to identify information already available in the school about supports provided to students with disability. The requirements under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005, in line with the NCCD guidelines (2019).