Principal's Report

Dear Parents, Families and Community members,
Principal Update
Another busy week down and only three to go until the end of term. Welcome back to our Year 7 - 9 students who have just returned from Camp Wilkin in Anglesea after a jammed packed two-night stay. Some very weary but very happy campers hopped off the bus this afternoon and will no doubt have plenty of stories to share with us in the coming weeks.
This week school staff completed the 3rd of 4 Berry Street Training Sessions. The Berry Street Education Model is a Tier 1 intervention which provides strategies for teaching and learning that enables staff to increase engagement of students and to successfully improve all students’ self-regulation, regulation, relationships, wellbeing, growth and academic achievement.
We have one final full day training in Term 3 which will see us wrap up the whole professional learning prorgam. The BSEM model and associated learning adds further strength to our existing wellbeing practices at ACS.
Administration Team - staffing update
Like most schools and many different organisations, we continue to have a degree of staff shortage across the school. Our primary focus is always to make sure we have teachers in classes to continue learning and avoid disruption whereever possible.
Presently our administration team is down a couple of key members for a short period of time. We ask that you continue to remain patient and considerate while they work even harder than usual to keep the rest of the school running smoothly.
Book Fair Wrap Up
Another successful Book Fair was held last week and from the large volume of sales we were able to select a further 105 books to go directly into learning community libraries! Since ACS opened in 2018, from your generosity through sales, a total of 741 books have been added to our learning community libraries!! Fabulous!!
A huge thanks goes to our wonderful PACC members who assisted and transacted the sales each morning and afternoon - we so appreciate your willingness and efficiency with each event.
Thank you also to everyone who visited the book fair and purchased some of the fantastic books and novelty items - your continued support of our fundraising initiatives and connectivity as a school community is really appreciated and highly valued!
Pyjama Day Fundraiser Last Day of Term
Division Cross Country 23/5/2023
This year ACS were lucky enough to have 6 students representing our school in the Division Cross Country event held at Eastern Gardens in Geelong. Our students were showing commitment through the whole day and represented the school with pride and care. The students competing were Lucas B, Tayla P, Zac R, Cruz in year 6 and Charlie P & Gus P In year 5. All our students tried their best and showed such resilience throughout the race.
We would like to congratulate those who competed as well as an extra congratulations to Charlie and Tayla Peart who have been successful in making it into the next round of Region Cross Country on the 19th of June in Keillor. We are so very proud!
Prep Werribee Zoo Excursion
On Thursday the 25th of May, the Prep Community visited the Werribee Open Range Zoo as part of their General Studies Unit. In the weeks leading up to the excursion, the students learnt all about the different habitats and survival needs of animals. The community’s excitement was high as we prepared for our first excursion together.
The excursion involved opportunities to explore the Zoo on foot, but also on the Safari Tour that ventured through the arid landscapes and savannah grasslands. The students were amazed by the habitats and animals they saw within the open plains, especially those that belong to endangered species.
The day was a huge success with a special thanks to our Parent Helpers, and of course the students for upholding all expectations and positivity as they explored the Zoo. We cannot wait for our next adventure!
Year 3 Narana Excursion
On Thursday the 25th of May, the Year 3 students went for a visit to Narana Cultural Centre. Students visited in two groups, one in the morning and one after snack. At Narana, we listened to Aboriginal Dreamtime stories, did a garden walk where we saw emus and wallabies, learnt how to throw a boomerang and even got our faces painted with Ocra!
Below are some of the things our Year 3 students enjoyed most:
“Narana was good because I liked throwing the boomerangs. I got to pat the emus and the wallabies and get my face painted.” - AJ
“I liked seeing the animals at Narana because they were funny!” - Keat
“I enjoyed spending time with my friends Narana.” - Samson
“I liked getting my face painted at Narana because it was fun and looked cool.” - Millie
“I liked seeing the emus and the wallabies!” - Arken
Winter Lightning Premiership - Year 5 & 6
On Tuesday the 30th of May our year 6s and some last minute year 5 fill ins competed in our annual Winter Lightning Premiership. The sports played were Soccer, Netball and Teeball.
All events were held at Armstrong Creek and Armstrong Creek reserve. As always we are so impressed with our students and how they represent our school. Their sportsmanship and resilience leaves us feeling so proud that they wear our colours on days like this. A special mention to our mixed soccer team for winning their division!
Thank you to all the teachers and parents for coaching and supporting our students. The day would not run as smoothly without you!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Kathryn Sier
Acting Principal