
Year 12 Top Design
On Tuesday, 28th March the year 12 VCE media class travelled into the CBD to where we first stopped at ACMI. Here we walked around and learnt about the change in media technologies through time. We were able to explore and collect information using a QR card in which is able to be accessed online later on. We then stopped by Melbourne central for lunch before heading to the museum. At the Museum the class engaged with the top designs exhibit. This consisted of art works produced by high achieving students from 2022. The year 12 class and I were able to visualise what a final media SAT (school Assessed Task) should look like, and the ideas and expectations held in the VCE media subject. We viewed the final short films, folio processes, print pieces and storyboards as well as being able to discover and learn more about other arts subjects offered in VCE. Overall, this was great learning experience for the media class and provided us with both inspiration and guidance for our SAT!
Bella Marshall
Year 12 Media Studies
Holocaust Museum
On Thursday, 30th March, the Year 11 Modern History class attended the Melbourne Holocaust Museum to support our studies on daily life in Nazi Germany. Students were given an hour-long seminar about the Jewish perspective of the Holocaust and we were presented with artefacts from the period to help us understand the events that occured. This was followed with a one hour Q+A session with survivor Paul Grinwald, where we were able to hear a first hand recount from a historical witness, allowing us to make a personal connection to the Holocaust.
Despite having pretty miserable weather for most of the day, we were lucky enough to enjoy some sunshine for lunch in the city.
By Jesse Barnett, 10A