From the Principal's Desk...

Dear Parents and Carers


Another great couple of weeks at St Helena's Catholic Primary School. With lots coming up too! Thank you to our Ignatius staff and students for leading us in our Ignatius Liturgy last week. Thank you also to our Reconciliation Week Team, lead by Mrs Therese Hutchinson for preparing and leading us in the Sorry Day Liturgy and to the students who lead us on the day. Thanks to all the parents and caregivers who were able to join us for these occasions. You are always most welcome! 


Please RSVP to the Paul Litherland workshop on Wednesday 7 June @ 6:00pm. Paul will be running a very  informative Parent Information Session on Cyber Safety. I urge at least one member from each family to come along. A great opportunity to keep informed with all that is happening in our online world. Our Year 5 and Year 6 students will be participating in a workshop session during school on this day. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to have a chat about what they learn.


We have School Photos next week on Tuesday 6 June and Wednesday 7 June. Students are reminded to ensure they are in the correct school uniform as per our guidelines that can be found in this eNewsletter and on our website.


Crazy Sock Day on Thursday 8 June for a Gold Coin Donation in support of LifeLink. 

Read more about LifeLink in the prayer section of our newsletter above.


Congratulations Mrs Jess Parker and Adam who welcomed their baby girl, Aubrey Josephine on 16 May. All doing well!


Please keep in your prayers all our students in Year 4, along with other students in the Parish, receiving the Sacrament of Eucharist for the first time over the next 3 weekends, commencing 10 June, through to 25 June.


Our staff have a Professional Learning Day on this Friday 2 June, which makes it a Student Free Day. Have an awesome and safe long weekend, and we will see everyone back ready for Week 7 next Tuesday!


Peace & Happy Days!


Santino Giancono
