School News


A sneak peak at what our Grade 4 campers have been up to. More photos will be publish next Newsletter.





 If you are the holder of a Centrelink Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card you are entitled to receive funding called CSEF - Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund. You may have received it last year but if you have a sibling that started this year you will need to fill in a form for that child. If you have transferred from another school you will also need to fill in a for with us. Forms are available from the office and need to be filled in by Friday 9th June.


Divisional Cross Country 2023:


On Wednesday the 31st of May, 18 students from grade 3 to 6 went to the divisional cross country at Presidents Park in Werribee. Our 18 students were: Hannah (4C), Miki (4H), Isaac (4E), Ashton (4C), Harrison (4C), Rylan (4C), Rocky (4C), Riley (5F), Abdi (5B), Eniope (5E), Jedidiah (5B) , Ehsan (5F), Zara (6C), Jackson (6D), Yemi (6C), Natoly (6F), Laney (6A) and Vishtnu (6F).

Our students competed against other students in their age group from schools in the area, Manor Lakes Primary School, St Josephs Primary School, Ngarri Primary School, Riverbend Primary School, Iramoo Primary School and OLSC Primary School. With the 8,9- and 10-year-old ages groups running 2km and the 11- and 12/13-year-old age groups running 3 km.

We had an impressive 5 students who ran in the top 12 for their age group. These students have advanced to the next stage of Cross Country! Amazing effort, well done to these students!

  • Isaac 4E - came 3rd
  • Eniope 5E - came 6th
  • Ashton 4C - came 8th 
  • Abdisaabir 5B - came 9th
  • Laney (6A) – came 11th

It was a very successful day for Wyndham Vale Primary School, great work to all students who participated on the day and to the parents who came and supported our students.










                                    What our Grade 5 students have been doing


In Week 4, Grade 5 were lucky to have a visit from the very entertaining author, 

Adam Wallace!  Adam spoke to the students about how to create interesting, unique ideas for stories. His writing tips sparked some incredibly creative and funny ideas from the students. Adam also gave a cartooning demonstration, showing how he free hand draws some of his own illustrations. The students loved creating different expressions on their own characters. Grade 5 asked some fabulous questions and Adam was very impressed with their interest and engagement. 


Thank you to Mrs Hadzic for organising the visit!








                                                       A story by one of our students, Isabella 6E


 A short story

Escape - I

The truck rumbled unsteadily, making its way across the cobblestone paved road, braving the bumps in the road, silhouetted against the midnight navy sky, speckled with pinpricks of light guiding people before me.

I glanced out of the dust covered windows in wonder. A row of picture-perfect houses of light blue, sunshine yellow, autumn green & honey brown caramel raced by.

A chorus of children howled and cried, but it was of no use. The truck doors snapped open and a few less than a dozen children clambered in. A draught of cold air blew in and I shivered while shielding my face as the wind felt like a sharp lash of a cane. I then cowarded into the dark shadows waiting for a sign of where I was. 

Suddenly, the back wheel of the truck collapsed with a last “RICKET, RICKET, CREEAAK!” and the doors slammed open with force while the truck faltered and fell to the side.

Most of the children were in shock, some rushed out but were restrained by the SS soldiers before they could get far. But I saw this as an opportunity; I raced past the children, soldiers & people and through all the commotion.


Invasion - II

I awoke from the smell of burnt ash and the musty smell of entombment. My cheek pressed against the gravel that crumbled and shifted under my weight. I heard screams and cheers somewhere in the distance, echoing from the hills beyond. I scrambled up and saw a stack of thick grey, smoggy puffs of cloud building up over what looked like a large bonfire event. I stumbled up and the smell of burnt debris and rubber wafted much more defined and acute to my nose. I ventured closer for a better view and spotted a dozen people circling a fire like a weird cult. They were holding books and carelessly ripping the pages and tossing them into the fire. But the real horror was the main source of the fire's digestion. Upon the mountain of the remains of who-knows-what and under the red and gold flames was a trampled clump of bodies. Polish bodies. Jew bodies. Innocent bodies.

 They lay, limp and lifeless, their eyes blank never seeing anything again.


Everyday we would live without fear. I would even go to school and have fun…- But there is no such concept as “fun” anymore. “Fun” was before the Nazi’s marched into our city and claimed it as their own. Before they took our food. Before they closed our school because ‘Poles’ aren’t worthy of education. “Fun” was before us Jews were killed for our religion.


Caught - III

I heard a voice a few blocks away and I snapped back to reality. “Which one escaped?” A gruff voice grumbled. My head snapped into that direction. “Hanna Nowak” A more deep but masculine voice replied rather harshly. My attention sparked up at the sound of my name like a flame licking up a fire. “We’ll have her by the eve of tomorrow.” The next moment happened so fast…- My foot fell and slipped off the piece of rubble I was creeping on and fell with a brief “Thump” while their eyes shifted to my area…







All late comers need to go straight to Ms. Dalton to be signed in.

Please remember to label you child's uniform with their name. We have many items of clothing in lost property that we cannot return because there is no name on the items.