House Captain's Report

                                                 House Captains for 2023


     Armstrong                            Buckley                         Hovell                         Wyndham


JT & Bridgette                     Ashmin & Laney           Zara & Jack                  Divya & Emjay



 House Captains Report: Gala Day


Bridgette (Armstrong): 


There were two teams for Hockey, both teams won most matches, and one team made it to the division round. Mrs Addie was an excellent coach for the girls Hockey team because she made sure everyone was safe and had a good time. Miss Mac was also a really good coach for the Mixed team because she kept encouraging them and made sure they were happy.  Well done to all of the hockey players.


Jackson (Hovell): 

On the Friday 2nd of June some of the year six students went to play inter school sport AFL at Saltwater Reserve. We played against 4 other schools during the day. We won our first 3 games and lost our 4th game by a single point against Iramoo Primary School. We were able to successfully beat them in the grand final. In total WVPS won 4 games and lost 1.  We had lots of fun. All in all, a great day.


Zara (Hovell): 

I am here to talk about Netball Gala Day. Gala Day was so fun! Thanks to all the teachers and staff who volunteered to help us do our best. Miss Bree did an excellent job coaching Team 1 who played against the mixed teams and Miss Reeves with Team 2 did a fantastic job playing against the girls' teams. Great job to all the schools who participated in Gala Day! Team 1 won 1 game of their 5 and Team 2 won 5 out of 7 games!  Well done everyone!


Emjay (Wyndham)

On Friday June 2nd, the grade 6’s had our Gala Day excursion. Soccer was amazing and we all had a blast. The A team won 2 out of 7 of their games and the B team won 5 out of 7 games with one draw and one loss. It was an excellent experience, and the teamwork was spectacular. 

Thank you to Mr Barton and Mr Wolf for helping out.


Laney (Buckley): 


I would like to report to you about what happened on Gala sports day, my sport was AFL. We did very well and won every single match, made it into the finals, and we ended up winning! We were all so happy and we all did our best. I would like to thank all the parents who came and watched us play and thank you to all the grade 6 teachers for organising the buses, so we could have a fun filled day. Thank you to Mr Evers  and Miss Richardson for pushing us till the end and for supporting us throughout the whole day. Thank you to everyone who turned up to Gala Day. I would also like to say that some people got injured at Gala Day but got up and kept playing, so amazing resilience. Thank you to all of the other schools that came to Gala Day. 


Good EFFORT Wyndham Vale!