Principal's Message

A message from our Principal

Dear Parents


I trust that you have had a fabulous week thus far. 



Reminder:  King’s Birthday Public Holiday

Next Monday, June 12 is a public holiday and school is closed for the day.  School resumes again at the usual time on Tuesday, June 13. 




End of term – advance notice

Some advance notice to parents that school finishes at 2.30pm on the last day of term, Friday, June 23rd.  Afterschool care will commence at this earlier time, and we ask that all other parents make arrangements to ensure their son and/or daughter are collected a little earlier than usual.  Students are able to come in casual dress on this day.  


Year four camp

As I write this the year four group are away at camp and the reports we have had back are that they are having a wonderful time, and getting to experience many new adventures.  As always we are grateful to the staff who are in attendance without whom we would not be able to run these events for the children to experience.  We have shared some photos of this later in the newsletter under the School News tab


School Oval

You  may be aware that we have put in a submission to have our oval upgraded – with the bulk of the money for this project coming via the school council and the rest coming from a government grant.  This project is now looking to get started and we had the first of the planning meetings on Monday of this week.  To assist the grass to get the best possible start the work will, most likely, begin in October so that the grass is not trying to establish across the winter months.  I’m sure you, like me, are looking forward to this improvement in our school facilities. 


Gala Sports Day

Last Friday our year six students represented our school at the local gala day when they competed against other schools in a range of sports.  Whilst the results from the sporting competitions were impressive – there is a report about these from the pupils later in the newsletter – the staff would report that the behaviour of these children was exceptional and they were fantastic representations of our school values, being respectful, responsible and honest.  Well done grade six – we are just as proud of your behaviour and great sportsmanship as we are of your endeavours on the sporting field!





Shop for your School

This initiative, run by Pacific Werribee is on again this year and we are currently placed 3rd.  We are once again aiming to take the $15,000 first prize but can only do this with your support.  We need everyone to upload their receipts for fresh food purchased at Pacific Werribee.  You can do this by the Pacific Werribee site.






Parents, carers and students need to fully understand the impact of missing too many school days. If a student has a day off, once a fortnight, this would add up to 20 days in a school year. 20 days is the same as missing a tenth of a school year. The implications of poor attendance are very real. These students will be at risk of not achieving their potential and therefore limit their life choices. Also, other real consequences are: 

• social isolation 

• could get too easily involved in socially unacceptable and / or illegal activities 

• will have gaps in their learning of knowledge and basic concepts 

• may feel insecure in the school environment 

• more likely to leave school early 

• be over-represented in the juvenile justice system 

• be the victims of bullying and harassment. 

It is more important now more than ever to encourage your child/ren to attend school. Contact a member of the leadership team if you are experiencing any difficulties in getting your son or daughter to attend.


Have a fabulous LONG weekend everyone – we will see you on Tuesday!


Sue Seneviratne
