Student Wellbeing

Mrs Rebecca Beveridge

What a fast two weeks Weeks 6 and 7 have been! The Term is absolutely flying by!!! I hope you all have an enjoyable long weekend!


St. Johns Ambulance

On Monday, we had St. Johns Ambulance visit us and teach us a few things about how we can get help in an emergency. The F/1/2 students read a special book and learnt what they needed to know if there was ever an emergency! They learnt the importance of remembering your parent's details, address, and state you live in! They were even sent home with a little form they could fill out and keep on hand if needed. The older students learnt more practical skills, such as some CPR skills. Everyone did an excellent job, and we hope that they have gained some life skills, in case they ever need to use them!




Our students have been showing amazing respect and responsibility in our toilet areas!! We are so proud of them for following our PBL phrase- Toilet, Flush, Dry and Goodbye! To reward their excellent behaviour, we had a free hot chip lunch!!


School attendance- why is it so important?

Please reach out if you need us. We are always here to help and support you and your child!


Friendship Groups

For Friendship Groups this term, we have been focussing on developing our Social Thinking and ability to build our social cues! This week for Friendship Groups, we looked at using our social thinking to help us in social situations by using clues to help us notice things.

  1. We use our eyes to notice things, people and what's happening now or going to happen next. 
  2. We use our eyes and ears to hear what people are saying to figure out what is happening now or going to happen next.
  3. We use our brains to remember places, people and experiences to figure out what is happening now.
  4. We use all these tools to determine people's feelings and make Smart Guesses from our Smart Guess Toolbox. Using who, what, where, and why questions

Students looked at different pictures and used their social thinking to think about what hidden rules they noticed.



Kids Helpline

I have found some great resources that you may be interested in:


Please reach out if you ever need anything. I am always here to help.

