Religious Education

Sacrament Week

Sacraments week

It's  been a big week and will continue over the weekend and into next week with students making sacraments.

Willow made her Confirmation last Tuesday night, we have Lexi, Matilda, Clara and James making their 1st Communion on Sunday at 10.30 mass at St Mary's Mt Evelyn and Sophie D and Amelia will make their 1st Confession on Tuesday night at 6.00pm.

Congratulations to all these students and we ask you to say a prayer for them at this time as they grow and continue their faith journey.


Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

All members of the school community are invited to come celebrate our arish Feast Day on Sunday, June 18 at the 8.30 mass am here in Yarra Junction.

Pancakes for all after mass!