From the Principal

Nicholas Boyhan

Dear Parents and Carers,


This will be my final Newsletter for Term Two.  As previously mentioned, I will be commencing Long Service Leave next Friday and will be returning on Friday 7 August. It has been a very busy and productive term and I thank everyone for their tremendous efforts, contributions and involvement.  Katie will be publishing newsletters while I am away.  If you have anything to include, please send it through to


Farewell Mrs McQuade


On Friday, 16 June we will be farewelling Mrs Karen McQuade after many years at St Joseph's and a distinguished career in Catholic Education.  Karen has been a classroom teacher, intervention specialist  (Reading Recovery, MiniLit, etc) and was the Religious Education Leader for a number of years.  Karen also coordinated the Mini-Vinnies throughout this time, fostering in the children compassion and empathy for those less fortunate than we are.  Karen will be sadly missed but we know she will thoroughly enjoy having more time to spend with her grand children.  I'm sure her daughter will enjoy the extra support with her recently delivered triplets!  


Student Reports and Parent - Teacher Interviews

Thank you to the staff for all the work they have been putting into their Student Reports.  These detailed documents provide a clear picture of the progress the children have made through the semester.  They will be made available to families via email on Monday, 19 June.  Please read them carefully and I would urge parents to save these documents to a secure location or print a copy for future reference.


Parent-Teacher Interviews will follow on Wednesday 21 June.  These provide an opportunity for parents to discuss the reports with the teachers and to hear about the plans in place to progress their child's learning throughout Semester Two.  Please click on the Parent Teacher Interview page below to make an appointment.


School Crossings Notifications

I am continuing to receive daily notifications about unmanned crossing in the streets surrounding the school.  Please give this careful consideration if you are considering allowing your child to walk to or from the school.


Best wishes to you all for the next couple of months and I will see you all on my return around the start of August.


Kind regards,

