News from Foundation


We have been working so hard on our writing for the past two weeks! With Mrs Vranken, we practised writing some sentences about pictures! Some of us even used adjectives to describe the animals we saw! Here is our fantastic writing!



ECOSS incursion

Today we had ECCOSS come for an incursion at school! We had so much fun! We learnt about soil and looked for worms! We learnt so many things about worms, like how they don't like sunlight! We got to have a look at what is inside soil and worms by looking through a microscope! We also planted plants in the veggie garden and helped set up the worm farms! In our veggie garden we now have planted: Garlic,

Broadbeans, Snow peas, Broccoli and more!




This week we had BOOTCAMP!!! It was so much fun! We did different literacy, reading and writing drills, as well as doing fun exercises in between! We even had camo bandannas and dog tags! It was a lot of fun and motivated us to keep learning our sounds and sight words!



In maths, we have been learning how to measure time and how long it takes to do different takes! We have been practising singing and remembering our days of the week! We read 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' to help us learn the days of the week! We made some caterpillars and matched what the caterpillar ate on that day!