Sports Report

Interschool sports roundup
During Term 2 Glenroy students represented the College against neighbouring schools in several sports including Basketball, Australian Rules Football, Soccer and Netball. This will continue throughout the remaining weeks of term.
Thanks to staff including Mr Kapoulitsas and Mr Moustafa who took on the responsibility of selecting, training and coaching these teams. To the players we thank them for their efforts in representing the school and the enthusiasm and determination they have demonstrated to work as a team and strive to achieve success.
Cross country Khan
Year 9 student leader Muhammad Khan (pictured below centre) is heading out to Princes Park in Carlton next week to represent Glenroy at the Division Cross Country trials. He will tackle a 3km time trial which he has been training extremely hard towards. We wish him all the best of luck for the big event.
Playing by the rules
Our junior year levels in Physical Education have been learning and developing their skills and understanding of the sports of European Handball, Netball, Australian Rules and Basketball.
In the area of Health Year 7 students have been learning and researching about local organisations and events which promote inclusion in the community. Year 8 students have been learning about national health organisations and how to access them, the purpose they serve and the services they provide to make a healthier population.
Umpiring has been the focus for our Year 9 cohort. They have studied the requirements and demands of umpiring sports and assessed on their ability to competently undertake this role in a sport.
We are looking forward to the remainder of the term which we will have more interschool sport to report on. We also have a whole range of new equipment and interschool sport uniforms for students coming soon. Keep warm and active with winter on its way!
Mr McLeod-Dryden
Health and Physical Education Domain Leader