Compass is coming

The way we communicate with families is changing in Term 3

Glenroy College is moving to Compass


We are excited to announce that the implementation of Compass is underway!

Compass will replace XUNO for all communications and school information from us to you, starting in Term 3.


For those who haven't used Compass before, Compass is a comprehensive school management system that will support students, families and the College in ensuring easy, timely communication, as well as a great number of other features to assist the whole community.


In Term 3 we will roll Compass out to families focusing on the following features:   

• Attendance    

• Class schedules and calendars     

• Excursion approvals    

• All school communications (important messages, emails and notifications of events including "Back on Track" and Detention)    

• Parent Teacher Student Conferences


This will allow us to ensure these are all working well and meeting the needs of our community before moving to the next stage. In 2024 we will roll out a further range of features to support student learning and to make the juggle of managing your child's schooling easier for everyone.


A couple of guides are available to support families:    

• Compass for parents -    

• A guide for parents and families -


Compass is available through a web browser or through an app. To download the Compass app on your mobile device, search for 'Compass School Manager' on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.


We will facilitate passwords and access for families in the coming weeks, and will set up some at-school sessions to guide families that would like extra support in this transition. Students will also have time during the school day later in the term to build familiarity on features of Compass.


We are confident this will assist in simpler communication practices and a streamlined experience for the whole Glenroy community.