College wide news

After school arts clubs are here
A plethora of fun after school clubs for students have landed at Glenroy College this term. Students who love art, drama or singing can explore their passions in supervised sessions with teachers after school. Art Club (with Ms Huntley and Ms Imbesi) and Karaoke Club (with Ms McGibbon) are held every Monday from 2.40pm to 3.40pm. Ms Manly will run Drama Club in the PAC every Wednesday after school.
Students can get permission slips for parents to sign from the front office. Speak to our Arts team to find out more.
Free Maths tutoring for students
Glenroy College is pleased to announce the launch of the After School Maths Support program. Sessions will run in the library every Monday and Wednesday after school with our qualified Maths teachers and tutors.
This is an opportunity for your child to catch up on unfinished math work, to get help in areas they are having trouble with or use the College wifi to complete any Maths Pathways modules.
There is no need to book in and the sessions are open to all year levels. Students can attend at 2.35pm on Mondays and Wednesdays. and sessions will finish at 3.30pm.
New books in the library
Our College library is overflowing with new books, so pop in at lunchtime or after school and take a look. The lunchtime Book Club is also in full swing, with two more meetings this term - on 29 May and 12 June. Students can bring their lunch to the library and share some book chat while they eat. The topic of the next book club is 'The book that made you love reading'.
The library is open after school and at lunch every day for students to read, play games or get a headstart on homework. It's the perfect place for students to hang out while waiting for parents to collect them.
A reminder to families that bills will be sent home at the end of term for overdue library books. Please help your child have a look at home for missing books and return them to the library by the end of the week to avoid a bill.
Big Freeze Casual Clothes Day is coming
Glenroy College students have set a goal to raise $500 for reseach into Motor Neurone Disease for the FightMND Foundation's annual Big Freeze fundraiser. Students who donate $2 can wear blue-themed casual clothes to school on Tuesday, June 6. There will be fun activities at lunch and students can also buy icy-poles for a small extra cost.
Families can help too by making a donation through the Glenroy College Big Freeze fundraising page. All donations raised go to fund vital research to help find a cure for MND. It only takes a minute and any money you can give (no matter how large or small) will go a long way to helping us reach our target. Together we can beat the beast that is MND.
FightMND is Australia's largest funder of MND research determined to find an effective treatment and ultimately a cure for Motor Neurone Disease.
Short term reminder
A reminder that this term has only nine weeks in total. The final day of Term 2 is June 23. More information about the term break will be provided to families soon.