Visual Arts And Technology

Production Design & Technology excursion

Students from Product Design and Technology (Textiles) had the opportunity to view the 2023 Top Designs exhibition held at the Melbourne Museum in Carlton on 4 May. 

They could see works that were selected and their accompanying folios which help with their current folios that they are working on. 

The students were able to look at the Visual Communication exhibits, Systems and Theatre Studies also on display.  We then headed off by tram together to the Darn Cheap Fabrics store on Smith Street to collect samples and purchase fabrics for garments. 

I thank Ms O’Brien for coming with us for both venues and Mr Ripper and Ms Langmead who met us at Top Design with  the Visual Communication students. 

Production Design and Technology incursion

Last Thursday 11 May students from my Product Design and Technology (Textiles) class had the opportunity to listen to Alyssa Boric, former Nazareth student (2018). 

Since leaving Nazareth, Alyssa has studied at Uni and is now able to work in the Fashion industry which is her passion. 


She works at two fashion locations, Cocofields and Steele, where she started her internship. She is now a Junior Designer and is loving her role there. 

After her power point presentation Alyssa showed the students her impressive folios and some of her garments that she had sewn. She certainly inspired a lot of them, me included! She has done such an amazing job in the time since leaving Nazareth and certainly shows that if you want something and work hard for it you can achieve it.

Congratulations to you Alyssa, I am so proud of what you have achieved so far. I am sure we shall future designs on the runways in Paris!

It was really insightful and eye opening to hear how the fashion world is in uni. Moreover, it was phenomenal seeing the production and the finished garment.

Jacinta Jenner

Year 12 MK4



Ms Sue Formanek

Textiles Teacher





Top Designs and Monash University Tour Excursion

To expand and showcase the world of design around them, VCE Visual Communication Design (VCD) students partook in an adventurous day on 4 May. They attended Top Designs to see the carefully selected exemplary folios from VCE VCD students in 2022. The students then travelled through the old aesthetics of the Block and Royal Arcades and contrasted these with a visit to the modern interiors of Myer and the Emporium. To round off the excursion, students ventured through Monash University Caulfield, guided by Monash staff member, Ti, and Monash student, Vivian. They were able see Art, Design and Architecture in a tertiary education setting and become more familiar with what university life could be like for them in the future. Students were also treated to laser cutting and 3D printing demonstrations in the dFab Labs at Monash. Thank you to the staff and students who attended and to Monash University for hosting us. Please take a look at the photos of our students’ experiences.


Mr Rosario Ripper

Instructional Leader Visual Arts and Technology