Wellbeing Report 

Road safety

Most of our Year 11 and 12 students now have their learners licence, and many of them are already on their ‘P’ plates, out on the roads driving on their own. It is a scary time for parents as they see their children becoming so independent and having to make mature and sensible decisions in order to be as safe as possible. We can only hope and pray that all the teaching you have done as parents, teaching them to drive, has equipped them to navigate the roads safely, and make good choices.


It was a great pleasure to welcome back John Maher to Nazareth to speak to our Year 11 and 12 students about Road Safety. John is a passionate advocate for teaching our youth about the potential dangers and risks when driving.


When a serious car accident derailed his life, John was 42 years old, a successful businessman with a wonderful family that included four beautiful daughters. Doctors told him he would never work again. After years of surgeries, rehabilitation, and therapy, John was on the road to at least a partial recovery when an even greater tragedy struck his family - the youngest of his four daughters, 18-year-old Carmen, lost her life in a car accident. This devastating event would redefine his and his family’s lives.

John now spends his life teaching young people about the gift of life, and how to treasure it. He talks about how important your loved ones are, and how easily life can be taken away by careless behaviour. He has written a book, ‘Carmen’s Legacy’, to educate young drivers on safe road use. It was a hard story to hear, but an important one.


Our students were mesmerised by John and his powerful messages. If you have a student in Years 11 or 12, please ask them about the incursion and what they took away from it.


If you would like to know more about John, he has some wonderful information on his website:


You can also purchase a copy of his book for just $20.00.


Have a great week, and always drive with care.



Ms Jackie Kol

Director of Wellbeing