Upcoming dates 


19 - Year 12 Careers Expo excursion

      - Intermediate Girls Football away vs Casey

      - Intermediate Boys Football home vs SFX

      - Intermediate Boys Volleyball away vs SFX

20 - Edutest for 2024 Scholarship applicants

22 - Year 10 incursion - Poetry in Action

      - St Vincent de Paul Volunteer Program

23 - House Cross Country - held on campus

     - Year 10 Geography excursion

24 - Year 10 OH&S day

      - Year 7 Group #1 Humanities excursion

      - School Tour

25 - Mass in the Chapel at 8.10 - all welcome

      -  Year 7 Group #2 Humanities excursion

      - Whole school assembly

      - Junior Boys Soccer away vs JPC

26 - Year 11 Economics excursion

      - Intermediate Girls Football home vs Hillcrest

29 - Year 12 Business excursion

      - St Elizabeth's Youth Ministry Reflection Day

30 - Year 10 Immunisations

      - Dante Alighieri Poetry Competition - Italian students

31 - Production Matinee Performance - Seussical (invitees only)

      - SIS Cross Country Carnival


01 - Mass in the Chapel at 8.10 am - all welcome

      - Year 10 LEAP/Year 11 VM incursion - SCOPE

      - Senior Boys Football home vs St Peter's

      - Junior Boys Soccer home vs St John's

      - Junior Boys Volleyball away vs St John's

      - Junior Girls Netball home vs St John's

      - Seussical performance 7.00 pm (tickets HERE)

02 - Intermediate Girsl Football away vs SFX

      - Intermediate Boys Football home vs Flinders

      - Intermediate Boys Volleyball home vs St Peter's

      - Seussical performance 7.00 pm (tickets HERE)

03 - Seussical final performance 7.00 pm (tickets HERE)

Enrolments for Year 7 2025

Do you have a younger child currently in Grade 5? Please be aware the enrolment closing date for all current Grade 5 students who are looking to enrol for Year 7 2025 is Friday 19 August at 4.00pm.  All applications need to be submitted by this date.


Applications are submitted via the College website on the following link: https://enrol.nazareth.vic.edu.au/application-for-enrolment/start. Please ensure that all of the requested documentation is provided and that the parent details (for all guardians of the student) are completed.


We have a limited number of places available for Year 7 2024.  If you have not yet enrolled your child for next year please do so as soon as possible, using the same link as above.


Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to our Enrolments department at enrol@nazareth.vic.edu.au or ring the College directly at 9795 8100 and ask to speak with our Registrar, Ms Bernadette Bryant.