Student Recognition Awards

Class | Student | Award |
PM | Panisa | for your great work during Measurement this week. You did a great job finding objects that were longer and shorter than your piece of string. Well done! |
PM | Tom | for your hard work during Maths this week. You were so motivated to find objects that were longer and shorter than your string! |
PP | Amaira | for following classroom routines carefully and quickly. You are a star, Amaira! |
PP | Seraphina | for showing a big improvement in her writing. Well done including adjectives in your writing, Seraphina! |
PW | Luke | for demonstrating an increasing confidence in new and unfamiliar situations and facing most challenges with a positive attitude. Keep it up Luke! |
PW | Siqi | for being a keen and enthusiastic member of our class. Well done Siqi! |
1G | Nate | for your wonderful effort and demonstrating impressive skills during Mathematics lessons. Well done Nate! Keep up the great work! |
1G | Raudin | for your wonderful effort and achieving an impressive amount of work during Writing lessons. Well done Raudin! Keep aiming high! |
1L | Lawrence | for his effort in ‘having a go’ when completing his Writing. It’s so amazing to see you using your sounds to stretch out words when writing. Well done! |
1L | Ruwen | for his effort in trying to identify and manage his emotions when things become difficult. You’re doing a great job Ruwen. Well done! |
1S | Tamay | for doing a terrific job in writing tasks recently. Trying your very best to sound out words and provide detail. I am so proud of you! |
1S | Mason | for showing great use of different strategies when completing addition problems. Keep up the great work! |
2M | Julia | for working with determination, pride and success in our robotics unit of work. |
2M | Austin | for working hard in Maths to create a 2-point perspective of a 3D shape. |
2Q | Jasmine | for sharing her knowledge and assisting other students during coding lessons. Well done! |
2Q | Carissa | for sharing her strategy of how to include humour in a speech. Keep up the great work! |
3B | Laith | for a wonderful effort during our House Cross Country. Well done making it through to district, Laith! |
3B | Giti | for her entertaining writing piece about Madi. You have really taken on board teacher feedback and produced a very entertaining piece, Giti! |
3G | Semrah | for the hard work and effort you have put into your non-fiction piece. You have been motivated and dedicated to achieving your best and your piece is something to be proud of. |
3G | Luke | for your wonderful efforts in Reading since arriving at D.P.S. Your monitoring post it notes have been very impressive. Keep up the great work, Luke! |
3Q | Rastin | for coming to school with a positive attitude and ready to engage in your learning. You have demonstrated a lot of growth over the term. I am extremely impressed with the level of effort that you put into your work. You’re a valuable asset to 3Q. |
3Q | Radin | for showing determination to sound out unfamiliar words in reading time. Brilliant effort. |
4K | Win | for making good choices in the classroom and trying very hard to stay focused. Keep up the good work Win |
4K | Neli | for always taking pride in her work. She is always aiming for a high standard and consistently asking for feedback for further improvement. Great work Neli |
4S | Leila | for consistently showing perseverance and aiming high with all learning tasks. Thank you for setting such a brilliant example for your classmates! |
4S | Araz | for the impressive way he is contributing more to class discussions and sharing his ideas. It is wonderful to see your confidence growing! |
4WB | Lochie | for contributing so positively in our class wellbeing discussions. Thank you for your openness and willingness to share! |
4WB | Alish | for always listening, joining in class discussions, and seeking to truly understand the concepts we’re learning. You’re amazing! |
5C | Elena | for focusing on her classwork and trying to improve her personal best. Well done Elena! |
5C | Henry | for trying his best to learn English and getting into district for cross country. Well done Henry we are so very proud of you! |
5E | Shayan | for having such a wonderful start at DPS. You are such a hard worker and always ask questions when you’re unsure. It is a pleasure having you in 5E! |
5E | Suzy | for always working so diligently in class. You have shown such great improvement and should be extremely proud of your efforts. Keep it up! |
6C | Atrina | for always being so diligent and motivated in always doing her best and excelling in all home and school work. Congratulations on being selected for the Everest program! |
6C | Jay | for always trying his very best when completing his home and school work. Well done |
6J | Jonah | for showing admirable support towards your sister at cross country. You were a fantastic role model for your peers. |
6J | Tvisha | for working diligently in our novel study. Your answers have shown outstanding understanding of the themes and characters. |
6M | Rod | for always showing responsibility in the classroom. Well done Rod! |
6M | Dash | for always using his beautiful manners in and out of the classroom. Well done Dash, you are a great role model at DPS. |
Specialist | Student/Grade | Award |
Art | Austin 2M | for being a quiet achiever who is an absolute pleasure. Not only does Austin produce a consistent high level of work, he is also a caring and friendly classmate and student. |
Art | Sophia PW | for being an enthusiastic, cooperative and creative student in Art. Well done! |
Art | Madi 3B | for approaching her school day with enthusiasm and cheerfulness and a willingness to do her best work! Well done Madi! |
Art | Richard 3B | for always trying your best. Richard is always enthusiastic and helpful in the classroom. Thank you Richard! |
Art | Zoey 5C | for having such a great attitude to school and learning and always giving 100% in all she does! Well done Zoey! |
Art | Archit 5C | for always trying his best. Archit is a quiet, independent learner who co-operates beautifully with others. Well done Archit! |
Cultural Studies | Isabella L 2M | for sharing insightful and interesting comments during our class discussions each week. Well done Isabella! |
Cultural Studies | Mani 3B | for listening well during discussions, regularly sharing your ideas and completing exceptional working tasks. Excellent work Mani! |
Cultural Studies | Simra 1S | for always participating in class discussions. You are quick to put up your hand and have great ideas! |
Cultural Studies | Ryan C PP | for listening well during class discussions, and raising your hand every week to answer questions. Well done Ryan! |
LOTE | Gabriella 4C | for being a caring and enthusiastic student and working well in LOTE lessons. Well done Gabriella! |
LOTE | Lochlan 4WB | for willing to participate in all class activities, including oral practice with gestures. Well done Lochlan! |
LOTE | Vritti 5C | for willing to participate in all class activities and approaching her work with a positive attitude. Well done Vritti! |
LOTE | Siddak 5E | for approaching LOTE lessons with eagerness and confidence. She shows initiative by helping around the classroom. Thank you Siddak. |
LOTE | Ella 6J | for approaching her work with a positive attitude and continues to make good progress. Well done Ella! |
LOTE | Amelie 6M | for developing good Chinese oral skills and responding well during class discussions. Well done Amelie! |
P.E | Alexander 5C | for the kind and considerate way he explained to members of his netball team the rules of the game. What a star! |
P.E | Joseph PW | for the enthusiastic and positive way Joseph attempted all gymnastic activities during P.E. What a great example for his class. Keep it up Joseph! |
P.E | Ashley 5E | for always giving 100% in every P.E.lesson. Ashley is a quiet achiever in P.E. Keep it up! |
P.E | Tsz 3B | for his great enthusiasm during our downball session this week with the use of only one arm. Wonderful effort Tsz! |
P.E | Mani 3B | for his amazing downball skills and focus during our PE session this week. Awesome job Mani! |
P.E | Arad 2Q | for his great focus and improved skill level during our downball session. Well done Arad! |
P.E | Violet 1G | for her confident attempt at all aspects of downball this week. Great work Violet! |
Science | Raye 1L | for always having a positive outlook and sharing all she knows about science! |
Science | Hana PP | for always trying her hardest and making sure to pack up once she is done! |
Science | Lochie 4WB | for always listening to instructions and trying his best, well done Lochie! |
Science | Tsz 3B | for showing his strengths in science during PAT assessments and trying his best. |
Science | Chara 6C | for always trying her best and showing critical thinking during science! |