with Mrs Hill

Tutor Learning Initiative (TLI) – Update 

We have had a swift start to Term Two! The Grade Twos and Fours were chosen by Leadership to develop their skills in Numeracy or Reading this term. We have started focusing on the Super Six reading strategy: Monitoring. Students practice using different techniques to assist their comprehension. One of the techniques students have been using is called, Patterned Partner Reading. Students read a section of the text, pause, and then retell the important parts to their partner. When answering comprehension questions students are practicing using evidence from the text to support their answer. We are also discussing the main message and moral of the text and how it can apply to themselves. 


In Mathematics we have been engaging in Place Value concepts such as making, naming, and recording, comparing, and ordering and renaming numbers. We look at partitioning, breaking numbers down into their place value parts: Canonical e.g., 6 tens and 2 ones are 62 and renaming into non-Canonical e.g. 5 tens and 12 ones, or 4 tens and 22 ones, or 3 tens and 32 ones or 62 ones are 62. We enjoy playing games at the start of our sessions where we practice specific skills that we need to work on, for example addition facts and doubles. The Grade Fours are making excellent progress with renaming numbers and are about to begin working on Rounding whole numbers. 


Jayne Hill (Tutor)