Senior School  

Welcome Back to Term 3

I hope that all students were able to rest and recover, ready for the busy term ahead.


Semester Two, and particularly Term 3, brings new challenges with the majority of learning for both Unit 2 and Unit 4 occurring in this term.   For our students, this means that they will need to be diligent and consistent in their revision, to ensure that they are consolidating their learning and are best prepared for future lessons.  Consistent revision is crucial; we recommend twenty hours of revision each week to ensure that assessment results accurately reflect knowledge and skills developed.


All School Assessed Course work will be completed, for Unit 4, by the end of Term 3 and, for Unit 2, by early Term 4.  As a result, students will need to be well prepared as they will be completing numerous assessment tasks within a relatively short period of time. To assist students in their organisation, SAC calendars have been provided and placed on Compass. We also encourage families to be familiar with the assessment schedule to adequately support their child during this busy and often stressful time.  If you are concerned about your child’s progress and / or wellbeing, please contact the relevant Year Level Coordinator; we are all here to help and support the students to do their best.


Senior School Information Nights

Over the previous and coming weeks, information nights will be held to provide information about the study options for the following year.  It is at this time that information about course selection and extra curriculum material is provided.  As such, we encourage all students and their parents/guardians to attend.


Tuesday 6 August

Year 8 into Year 9 and Year 9 into Year 10.


You may be aware that there have been some changes to Senior School at the start of Term 3.  Ms Eleln Sawyer has begun her family leave. We congratulate her on the safe arrival of her baby – Benjamin.  Ms Vicki Manioudakis is also on leave for the first six weeks of the term. She will return in week seven and continue in her role as Year 12 Coordinator.  While Ms Sawyer and Ms Manioudakis are on leave, parents with concerns are encouraged to make contact with their child’s year level coordinator for Year 10, Mr Tom Santos and Year 11 Mrs Sylvia Wood .  Year 12 parents can contact either Ms Emma Morris or myself; we are supporting the students and team for the remainder of the semester.


Mr Chris Knight

Assistant Principal