Junior School


Acting Head of Junior School


It has been such an incredibly busy time in the Junior School recently, as we continue to work and play together at this important time of the year. It has been wonderful to see the excitement and pride that our students have shown when they have identified areas of growth during recent assessments for 2019. These are something to be truly celebrated, as hard work is reflected through these results. It is testament to the hard work of both our students and teachers.


Our Year 4s have also been very busy, as we have looked at appointing our Junior School Leaders for 2020. Students who were interested in this position developed and presented their persuasive pieces for their classes and teachers, to demonstrate why they believe they deserve to be the next Junior School Leader. These speeches were outstanding and thought provoking, demonstrating the careful thought and consideration that each of these students had put into their preparation. I am delighted to announce that Elly Alexopoulos and Evangelos Fabiatos will be our 2020 Junior School Leaders, with Connie Lekkas and Adam Dimakakos as our Deputy Leaders. It was fantastic to see them share their speeches with all the classes during our assembly today, and we know they will do an excellent job in the role next year.


Congratulations to each and every student who was brave enough to put themselves forward for this position, and we look forward to the many leadership positions that will be offered throughout 2020.


The Leader in Me Facilitator Accreditation

We would like to acknowledge the work that Mrs Sarah Caffrey has been undertaking since her transition into the Leader in Me Facilitator position earlier in the year. After much hard work since then, we would like to congratulate her on the successful completion of the accreditation process through Franklin Covey, to allow her to run both staff and parent development sessions about The Leader in Me for our School. We congratulate Sarah on this wonderful achievement, and look forward to the workshops she will offer in the future.


Prep Orientation 2020

Over the last two weeks we have been fortunate to have started our transition process, for the children who will be coming to Prep at Oakleigh Grammar in 2020. During this time the children will get to meet other students who they might see in Prep, as well as spend time in the Prep classroom and explore the “Big School” a little more. This important process provides them with the opportunity to build their confidence and excitement about commencing Prep next year. They were most excited to be able to meet their buddies this week, and to create their special Library bag to use next year. Such an exciting time of the year!


Sun Safety in Term 4

Just a quick reminder that it is compulsory for all Junior School students to have an appropriate sun safe hat to wear during all sport and outdoor play times in Term 4. Students without a hat have to play in the shade in the Inner Yard. We ask that families also apply sunscreen at the start of the school day, and provide some in your child’s bag for them to reapply as needed during the day. Your support of this important initiative for the health of all our children is most appreciated.


End of Year Celebrations

Don’t forget to save the date for our P-5 end of year celebrations, that will take place in the Conference Centre on Tuesday the 10th of December. The P-2 concert will start at 2:30pm, and our Year 3-5 awards evening and concert will commence at 7:00pm on this day. We look forward to seeing everyone there.


Year 3 Camp- Lady Northcote

The Year 3s attended their very first, one night away camp on the 21st of October. They bid their parents farewell and we set off for Lady Northcote in Rowsley. The students were so excited when we arrived, quickly putting their bags in their rooms, and immediately beginning their activities. They hit a bulls eye (or close to) in archery, conquered their fear of heights on the flying fox and giant swing, and synergized together when building their rafts, and participating in the initiative activities and low ropes course.


The food was a winner also, with most students going up for seconds and even thirds. Pasta, sundaes, pancakes for breakfast, muffins, chicken burgers, salad rolls and plenty of fruit. A smorgasbord!

Camp is always a major highlight in a child’s year of schooling. All the students had an amazing time, attempting all the activities, and behaving in a respectful and positive manner! We were so proud of each and every one of them!


Enjoy some of the comments and photos of our students below:

Stephania - We had the best time at camp because we got to spend fun times with our friends. My favourite activity was the raft building and rowing in the water with it. The food was delicious!


Liam - Camp was a great experience for everyone. We had yummy food and an awesome time.


Angelos - My favourite thing about camp was the flying fox and the giant swing, because they both required teamwork. The food was delicious!

Samira - I loved archery because we got to play Robin Hood and try and get a bulls eye. I was very close to getting one. I loved breakfast and morning tea- the food was great!


Edward - My favourite activity at camp was archery, because we had to synergize and get the highest points for our team. I was so happy when I hit a bulls eye. The food was amazing, especially the pasta!




Inquiry Learning Coordinator


Biological Science in the JS

Spring is a wonderful time of the year for our scientists to learn all about living things in the Junior School. Our students in Prep, Year 3 and Year 4 have been engaged in biological Sciences this term, observing, asking questions, and describing changes seen in objects and events. Biology is such a wonderful subject to get hands on with. So much planting and growing, harvesting and cuddling!


Biological Science Understanding

Prep: Living things have basic needs, including food and water.

Year 3: Living things can be grouped on the basis of observable features, and can be distinguished from non-living things.

Year 4: Living things have life cycles and depend on each other and the environment to survive.

The students have enjoyed hatching and observing chicks, visiting Myuna Farm, growing various plants, and making terrariums as a part of their learning. Some of our lucky families offered to re-home our chicks, and are providing them with nurturing homes. They are continuing to grow at a rapid rate!