From the Principal

Term 3, Week 6, Kevin Kennedy

Dear Parent and Carers,


West Beach Primary School Celebrates 50 Years

This Friday 13th September we are opening our doors to our past students, families,  staff members and members of the public. We have 50 years of photos, trophies and other memorabilia available for viewing.


A number of staff will be returning including the long serving Principal Heather Tiivas ( 12 years at the helm) and  former teacher 97 year old Noelle Greenham. Local MP Matt Cowdrey will also be joining us.


Some of the photos and year books are really amazing to look at. It’s hard to believe that the school had 570 students during the seventies and the baron nature of the grounds are quite a sight.  As is the picture that features dozens and dozens of bicycle in the yard.


If you available to help on the BBQ please contact the school.


Sports Day

Spring has sprung just in time for next week’s Sports Day.   The staff and students have been eagerly preparing their team chants and excitement is building. A program will be sent home in the next few days. Sports Day is a great community event and is always well attended by family and friends of the school. We look forward to seeing you there.


Instrumental music

I would like to welcome Private music tutor Stefan Vogiatzis to the West Beach staff. Stefan is currently offering piano and guitar lessons, and also taking expression of interests for drum lessons. Lessons will be held during class time. Please see the document attached for more information.


Should you have any queries or concerns please book a time to see me or pop in for a chat.


Kind regards,


Kevin Kennedy

