Parents & Friends


Entertainment Books

The 2019/20 Entertainment Books digital edition is now available for purchase using the following link -  digital membership here.

A portion of each sale goes to the PFA.

School Banking

In 2020, School Banking will take place on each Tuesday of the School Term.


2nd Hand Uniform Shop

We are also looking for people willing to volunteer their time to assist in the running of the Uniform Shop in 2020.  If you have some free time and you are willing to learn how the Uniform Shop operates then please send your contact details to


The Uniform Shop is located just next to the Multi-Purpose Hall and student drop off area.


Icy Pole Friday

We are currently looking for volunteers for 2020 to assist with Icy Pole Friday; please email Andrew Musgrove at if you are able to assist.



Parents are reminded that if you are volunteering at school, you will need a current Working With Children Check. These can be obtained online and then submitted at a post office at no cost.


The college also requires parents who volunteer or attend excursions to read and sign a Child Safety Code of Conduct form, which is available from reception.


Parent Participation Hours

Families can participate by being involved in a variety of activities. During the year notices will be sent out requesting parent help at various events or activities - for example; helping at sports carnivals, covering library books, Icy Pole Fridays, 2nd Hand Uniform Shop, PFA events, classroom help or attending working bees.


Parents are required to record the hours they have completed in the Parent Hours Book, which is located at Reception. You will be charged a Parent Participation fee of $250 at the commencement of each year and will be credited at the end of the term for any work completed. You will be credited at a rate of $25 per hour of work completed, up to a maximum of $250 for the year. The time requirement for each family is ten hours per year.


Keep an eye out for notices in the Week at A Glance for activities and events being held each Term.


2019 PFA Executive Committee

President:                    Andrew O’Brien

Vice President:          Sally Wade

Secretary:                   Lesley Goh

Treasurer:                   Eric Chen



Andrew O’Brien

PFA President