Upcoming Events

Mon 19th College Council Meeting
Tues 20th Swimming Carnival
Wed 21st Primary Coffee and Chat Morning Tea
Thurs 22nd Primary Twilight Sports
Fri 23rd Primary Assembly
Tues 27th V1 Information Evening
Mon 5th Year 7 Meet & Greet BBQ and Information Session
Fri 9th Student Free Day
Mon 12th Labour Day Public Holiday
Tues 13th P-12 Assembly
Thurs 15th College Athletics
Fri 16th Primary Assembly
Mon 19th College Council Meeting
Mon 19th to Fri 29th P-6 Swimming
Fri 23rd Year 7 Bush walk Excursion
Primary Assembly
Mon 26th Primary Young Leaders Day
Tues 27th Parent Teacher Interviews
Wed 28th 10am Late Start
Thurs 29th Term 1 Ends