Secondary News

From The Assistant Principal
The start to the year has been fantastic and the new uniform has bought with it great enthusiasm and energy.
The college uniform shop is open Thursdays 8 30 – 10.00am
The following information assists parents and students with frequently asked questions regarding the old and new information.
- The college blazer is compulsory and must be purchased when the new uniform is worn.
- The blazer is sold directly by Carwatha at the general office - Cost $120.
- The new uniform is compulsory for Year 7, prep and all new enrolments.
- The new uniform cannot be mixed with the old uniform – the only exception is the maroon jumper.
- The blazer must be worn to and from school on all days.
- Students do not have to wear the blazer whilst at school and can leave it in their locker or take it off in class and place over their chair.
- Black school shoes are compulsory.
- Runners are only permitted in PE/Sport.
- The college tie must be worn at all times – when any of the white collared shirts are worn.
- The tie must be knotted and worn with the shirt top button done up.
- All socks must be above the ankle – and cover the ankle – no low cut or below the ankle socks
- The socks must be from the uniform provider and have no logo
- The new college bags are compulsory with the new uniform
- The uniform will be compulsory for all students in 2020, is compulsory now for Year 7, Preps and new enrolments.
- Primary students may wear the PE uniform all days when they have PE/Sport classes.
- The long sleeve shirt must be tucked in at all times
- The short sleeve shirt can be untucked
- Students who are part of the FTA (Football Techniques Australia) soccer academy are permitted to wear the FTA uniform on Thursdays all day.
It is the college expectation that all students will be in uniform at all times and would like to take to opportunity to remind parents and students that our uniform requirements are well documented in the college planner – which is compulsory for all students and on the college website. A reminder that the following items are NOT part of our uniform and we ask for your support.
- Artificially coloured hair
- Nail polish
- Facial piercings.
- Uniform items that are not endorsed by our supplier PSW ( available Thursday mornings at the college or at the Hampton Park store)
Please don’t hesitate to contact us should you have any questions.
THE 2018 Student Management Team are working hard to support the needs of students.
We encourage parents and students to reach out to Year Level Coordinators for assistance around, attendance, academic learning and wellbeing
Head of Junior School and Year 7 Coordinator– Scott Antony
Year 8 Coordinator – Georgia Rentzis
Year 9 Coordinator – Rueben Kwong
Head of Senior School (V3) and Year 12 Coordinator – Bree Hudson
Year 10 Coordinator – Chris Willis
Year 11 Coordinator – Ipshita Bawa
Student Wellbeing Coordinator – Caitlin Hallett
We welcome to the college our new members of staff Ms Bree Hudson, Ms Caitlin Hallett and Mr Scott Antony
Rosanna Spina
Year 7 Report
It has been a good start for all the Year 7 students this year. They have turned up in their new uniform and are looking fantastic. They have settled in well and are quickly learning new routines. We have ensured class composition and size allow the students to form good and supportive friendships, and provide the teachers and me the opportunity to get to know all the students well. This can only benefit all the students as it will allow for a very individualized and personal learning environment.
It is important that all students have the correct books and equipment for the different subjects. Please check your child's planner on a regular basis as it will keep you informed you of tasks and assignments and their due dates.
I have enjoyed meeting all the students and, being new to the school as well, I understand their nerves for the year ahead in meeting new teachers and participating in new subjects. I am looking forward to getting to know all the Year 7 students, as I have told them, they are the future of the school. They are the first year group to have the new uniform. Some of the students are also part of the soccer academy. I have challenged the Year 7 students to step out of their comfort zone and try new things, to not be afraid of making mistakes and to learn from these mistakes. I am sure we will have our ups and down this year. It is an exciting time for Carwatha College P-12 and I am ready to help the Year 7 cohort excel.
There are a few events coming up; information will be sent home soon shortly.
- Tuesday 27th Feb-Year 7 orientation excursion to The Enchanted Adventure Garden at Arthur's Seat.
- Monday 5th Mar- Year 7 families Welcome BBQ and Information Session
- A junior school Service Learning project, where year 7,8,9 will all be encouraged to raise money for a charity of the students' choice.
Scott Antony
Year 7 Coordinator
Year 8 Report
Welcome back year 8’s!!
I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome back the Year 8 students and their families to Carwatha College for 2018. I’m also thrilled to be given the opportunity to continue coordinating our wonderful group of students.
It has been great to see all our Year 8 students settling in well and having a very positive start to the school year. The standard of behaviour has been excellent both in lessons and around the school, with many teachers commenting on the good progress being made by students, even at this early stage. It has been particularly encouraging to see how supportive the students have been not only of each other but of the new Year 7 students that have started at Carwatha.
Students look very smart in their uniforms and are proving to be a credit to themselves, to you and to Carwatha College. To help students this year, I strongly recommend that you check that your child’s uniform, books, planner and equipment are clearly labelled with their name. It’s also important that students have all the equipment they need to successful. To help students with their studies, a quiet place at home to complete their homework/ home study would be an advantage. To support this process, I encourage parents to check the planner on a regular basis to ensure that tasks are being recorded and completed. It’s important to keep the lines of communication open so we can work together to ensure you child has a successful 2018.
If you have any concerns about your son or daughter’s progress please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Georgia Rentzis
Year 8 Coordinator
Year 9 Report
I’m looking forward to a fantastic year with a talented group of young people. This is a year of preparation for the ever-increasing responsibilities ahead for all of us. To ensure we are ready for our senior studies and in joining the V3 program, students will undertake a rigorous academic and electives program that will focus on improvement. We will consider our areas of interest and begin the process of choosing a pathway that best fits our goals, whether that be through the VCE or VCAL and VET courses. Subjects will be chosen and nerves settled as orientation begins.
As the year 9 cohort edge toward more independence, there are programs we have in place to help prepare for some of the challenges to come. Community leadership partners us with a community organisation and allows us insight into the lives of members of the local areas. It provides the chance to give back and think of others’ needs ahead of our own. In a similar way, the party safe program focuses not only on our own safety when celebrating events, but considering the needs of all.
Good luck everyone!
Reuben Kwong
Year 9 Coordinator
V3 Report - Year 10, Year 11 & Year 12
Welcome back!
As always, the beginning of Term 1 has been a mad rush of locker allocations, subject changes, organising Edrolo access and VASS paperwork.
The most important reminders for Senior School at this stage:
- Students must have Edrolo access for each of their classes. This is a resource that helps students at home and provides lots of practice questions to complete. Please see the main office to organise payment if necessary. Those students that have not done this will not have access to Edrolo - this will put you at a disadvantage.
- Understanding the attendance requirements. Remember that the attendance requirement is now 90%. That means that students need to be in classes for 90% of a subject’s classes. Any absences need to be communicated to the school and approved.
- SRC elections are coming up! Please see Mrs Bawa for an application form or to discuss the responsibilities of becoming a member of the Student Representative Council before you apply.
- Our annual Swimming Carnival is only a week away. Make sure you represent your house by dressing in house colours and signing up for events to win your house points.
- One of the most important aspects of the senior program is making the right decisions in regards to selecting subjects. While subject changes have officially closed, we are more than happy to discuss alternatives if you feel you are struggling with the content. Please see your year level coordinator if necessary.
- As you are all aware, the school has introduced a new uniform, to be phased in over the next two years. For most of our year 11s and 12s, this means they will be able to finish wearing the ‘old’ uniform. For our year 10s and any new students, this means purchasing and wearing the ‘new’ uniform. Students cannot wear a combination of both.
The senior years are really important – the last years of your secondary school life should be used to research possible pathways, work hard and create great memories. We’re looking forward to seeing you all in house colours at the Swimming Carnival and a very positive year ahead.
Chris Willis
Year 10 Coordinator
Ipshita Bawa
Year 11 Coordinator
Bree Hudson
Year 12 Coordinator
Senior School Leader
PE Report
Music Report
On Tuesday February 13th the year 7s were treated to a short performance by our Year 12 students Winona Bonne, Hayley Lucas, and Filimon Moutis with Damien Maughan our instrumental brass and woodwind teacher and Marina Novelli our guitar bass voice and drums teacher. The group played a lively rendition of Amy Winehouse’s “Valerie” and the year 7s got into the performance by clapping along.
Students are invited to sign up to the instrumental music program by filling out the instrumental music form and choosing from: Trumpet, Trombone, Saxophone, Guitar, Bass, Drums, and Vocals.
Lessons are for 30 minutes per week and will be scheduled on a rotating basis so students don’t keep missing the same class. The cost is $60 a semester.
Please contact Marina Novelli, Damien Maughan, Ms Kate Whittaker or the office staff for instrumental music enrolment forms.