Professional Learning Teams at LHS

Teachers at Lilydale High School are all assigned to a Professional Learning Team (approximately 10 teachers to a team) who attend a meeting 3-4 times per term to share new ideas in education with a view to reviewing and improving our teaching and learning strategies.


At last Monday’s PLT meetings all staff were asked to bring an example of a feedback strategy that they had learnt at the recent Staff Professional Development Day led by educational consultant Glen Pearsall. The response was excellent with many staff sharing strategies that they felt had enhanced the feedback for their students. Many of the strategies were aimed at giving feedback that required a response from the student - having students as active participants in these techniques helps to ensure they have a more comprehensive understanding of what to do to improve their work. 


Two of the strategies include:


Error flagging

Placing a mark on the end of each line that contains a error with students having to work with their teacher to identify and fix error. 


Error Counting

Listing the number of errors that are in a subsection of a student’s work and guiding the student to locate and correct the mistake. 


Both techniques encourage students to carefully evaluate their work and make adjustments to improve their work.


Well done to all Year 7 and 9 students who recently undertook the NAPLAN testing.  From all accounts, everyone was focussed and gave their best, which is all we ever ask of our students – giving their best.


The NAPLAN is a snap shot of how students are progressing, it is one test on one day and is used in conjunction with our internal assessments to inform the teaching and learning program.


We expect the results to be available in August/September. Results will be sent to parents/guardians by mail as soon as we receive them.

Year 8 Significant Person Day

On June 13 and 14, our Year 8 students will enjoy an afternoon with family, friends and in many cases, their significant person, to present their written and artistic representations of a person who is significant in their lives.


This is the third year of the Significant Person Project and it is going from strength to strength demonstrated by the way in which the students embrace the challenge.


It's a joint English/Arts project that involves students choosing a person in their lives who has had a significant influence on them. They then write about them in English and produce an artistic representation of the person in their Art class.


The project culminates in an afternoon where some of our students read their piece to an audience of family, friends, significant people and their peers. We then enjoy afternoon tea and a chance to look at the work that will be on display.


This is also part of our wellbeing initiatives that encourage students to take the time to be reflective and grateful for a person who has encouraged and supported them.

VCE Music Performances

Congratulations to Ms Cumming’s VCE Music students who performed last week as part of their ongoing assessment. It was great to see how they’re progressing and I look forward to the next assessment evening.


Thanks to the staff and family and friends who were also in attendance.

Shopping Centre Precinct 

Before and After school

I would like to reiterate the importance of our students travelling directly to and from school. 


Students are arriving at school late due to spending time over at the local shopping precinct and, at times, arriving at school and then leaving the premises to visit the shopping area.


I would appreciate everyone’s cooperation in ensuring that students are safe at school, arriving on time, and not loitering around the shopping area unless in the company of a parent or guardian. 


Wendy Powson
