Tuesday 5 June, Junior School playground!
Tuesday 5 June, Junior School playground!
Monday 11 June
Queen's Birthday - Public Holiday
Wednesday 13 June
Year 8 Significant Person Day
Thursday 14 June
Year 8 Significant Person Day
Friday 22 June
Report Writing Day - STUDENT FREE DAY
Friday 29 June
END OF TERM 2 - 2.30 pm FINISH
Friday 20 July
Year 7 Awards Assembly
Year 8 Awards Assembly
Please also refer to the Junior School Calendar on the school website for the full list of important dates/events.
Friday 8 June
S and N
All students should take some time to consider how they are going with their learning in all subjects.
The questions you should ask yourself relate back to the criteria that will assist you to be deemed 'satisfactory' in your subjects:
Student absences should be entered on COMPASS by parents/guardians OR by calling the school Absence Line on 9735 5644.
The Junior School Office should be contacted if it is expected that your child will be away for more than two days.
Parents and Guardians who may have forgotten their Compass username and password, can contact the Junior School Office for assistance.
Please don’t hesitate to call us or your child’s Home Group teacher, with any questions or queries in relation to the Junior School Program.
Junior School Coordinators