We Will Rock You

Since we last checked in, the production students have been working on some cool new songs with our Musical Director, Ms Cumming. The songs  include; No One But You (Only the Good Die Young), A Kind of Magic and Headlong. Queen's music is such a pivotal part of the show and we're excited to do their songs justice in August.


Mr Bleakley our Director and Mr Rogers our helpful Production Assistant,  have been taking us through a few comical scenes including,  scenes set in the futuristic broken down 'Hard Rock Cafe' where Bohemians live in the name of 'Rock n Roll' - with names taken from famous pop and rock stars of the past.


Our 'Student Production Team' of choreographers; Jess Clark, Emily Artis and Tiffany Couacaud have had us dancing a storm,  with 'A Kind of Magic' choreography.


Jonah Phillips our Assistant Musical Director, has also been helping to teach vocals and starting to work with student band members.


Ex-students have been helping this year as part of our Production community. Katie Walton VCE 2016 (costumes) and Celeste Wells VCE 2017 (vocal harmonies) have visited rehearsals.


At our last rehearsal, we managed to run through almost all of Act 1. We're half way there!  We're looking forward to finishing off the last few scenes (an epic battle) before hitting the ground running headlong into our 'Holiday Rehearsals'.


Bailey Johnson Year 12

Production Captain 2018

Production Schedule 

Production students and parents are asked to please follow the 'Production Schedule' that is accessible via students school email addresses. 


Amy Cumming and Jonathan Bleakley 


School Production Team