News From the Principal

Dear families,
Pupil Free Day Tuesday 13th March
A reminder that next Tuesday is a Pupil Free Day (following the Adelaide Cup public holiday).
Please note that our OSHC service will be open and bookings must be made by Friday afternoon.
On Tuesday, our staff will be looking at our Whole School Literacy Agreement as well as moderation of writing samples.
I hope you all have a great long weekend.
NAPLaN (Online)
In Weeks 3 & 4 of next term (15th to 25th May), the NAPLaN Online Tests will take place in selected schools across Australia for students in Years 3, 5, 7 & 9.
The tests will cover Literacy (Language Conventions, Writing and Reading) & Numeracy.
The results gained from the tests provide us with data that we analyse and then use to program appropriately for our students. Our students will be undertaking the testing online.
In certain circumstances, students can be withdrawn or exempted from the tests with parent permission.
Reasons may include: Philosophical or personal reasons; Students with a language other than English who have been in the country for less than 12 months; Students with significant intellectual disability.
If you would like to discuss a possible exemption or withdrawal for your child, or anything else in relation to the tests, please feel free to contact either myself or Bob Bowden before the end of this term (13th April).
In the meantime, parents can access trial online tests at
Governing Council Representatives
At the first official meeting of the year, we formed our new Governing Council team.
I am pleased to announce the following people as our members for 2018.
Chairperson – Caroline Cowen
Deputy Chair – Sharon Mair
Secretary – Fran Hughes
Treasurer –Carly Clough
Staff Rep – Karen Smith
Parent Members - Fiona Scoffield, Sarah Nash, Kylie Baker, Nicole Hodder, Bianca Cochrane, Kate Dyer, Tracy Glazier, Jo Sym Choon, Caroline Sargeant, Renee Rich & Sandra Box. It is great to see some new faces and the passion that all members have for our school and the children. If you have any questions regarding school issues, please feel free to approach any of our members.
Farewell & Good Luck
On behalf of our community, I would like to wish Melissah Birch and her husband Nick all the best on the upcoming birth of their son. Melissah has taken leave from today as the arrival date approaches.
No doubt we will see their new baby in the coming months.
In the meantime, we wish her good health and happiness.
School Policies
As a part of the agreed process for keeping our community informed, you will find copies of our Policies relating to Grievance, Dress Code, Behaviour, Bullying & Harassment and Attendance on our school website at:
Please take the time to have a read of these.
After School Play
Please note that children are supervised in the yard by staff until 3.15pm daily and parents are welcome to let their children play provided they are supervised after this time.
Our OSHC staff have a duty of care to the children in OSHC and are not responsible for the supervision of other children.
A reminder also that bikes/scooters/skateboards are not to be ridden in the school yard at any time.
This includes young children who are not enrolled at the school.
Thank you for your support.
STEM Update
I am very pleased to announce that our new STEM facility is complete and ready for use by the children.
We are awaiting the arrival of our new furniture which may be several weeks away. Over the next few weeks, we will take all children through the new facility in readiness for their STEM lessons either later in the term or at the beginning of Term 2. We will also have an official opening in the coming weeks.
Pupil Free Days
Governing Council recently approved our Pupil Free Days and School Closure for this year. All schools are entitled to 4 Pupil Free Days and 1 School Closure day. They are:
Term 1 – Tuesday 13th March (Week 7)
Term 2 – Friday 8th June (Week 6)
Term 3 – Friday 10th August (Week3)
Term 4 – Friday 8th December (Week 8)
Term 4 – Friday 2nd November (School Closure – Week 3)