Student Wellbeing News
Weekly Overviews
Year Prep: Being Kind and Being Brave
Year 1/2: Cheering up and Calming Down
Year 3/4: Responding Safely to Bullying Situations
Year 5/6: Bullying No Way Day - Imagine a World Free From Bullying
Year Prep Update
This week our buddies helped us make an Easter basket.
We spent the time getting to know each other better and talked about what we would be doing on the Easter holiday break. We have loved getting to know our buddies this term. It’s been great having an extra helper when we have needed one.
Our buddies are the best!
Bullying No Way Day
Over the past week, some classes have been doing some work around Bullying No Way Day which took place on 16th March. The theme for this year is Imagining a World Free From Bullying.
The students in the Year 5/6 Community were asked to think about the theme and create a statement about what they think the world would look like if bullying didn't exist. The students came up with great ideas and these will be displayed in their learning community. You are welcome to come and have a look!
Ride2School Day
Last Friday 23rd March was Ride2School Day! The day was about encouraging everyone at school to get active and look after their health. There were also great prizes to be won for the schools that get involved!
The day was a huge success with over half the students at Corpus Christi getting involved, along with parents and staff. On arrival back at school, the students joined Mr Hitch for a jog around the track, followed by some yummy fruit. By the time the school day began, the students had enjoyed over 30 minutes of physical activity and the endorphins had kicked in!
Thank you to everyone who got involved and here are some great photos from the day.
Melanie Larkin
(Student Wellbeing Leader)