OshClub News

OSHClub News
After School Care Program
Hi families
We thought we’d try out having a theme for the term to guide our activities, craft, artwork and decoration and the children have chosen The Beach. I think it’ll be an interesting theme as the weather gets colder. We’ve started making a diorama, we’ve made some DIY kinetic sand and will be making all sorts of handmade decorations and sensory stuff to play with.
This week we are making banana pancakes and playing our usual games plus Number Netball and making fish decorations. The children seem to be quite taken with Charades at the moment, so we’ll be playing that some more. The children have been loving our beyblade arena since we bought it last term and we encourage people to bring beyblades from home to battle – we can be careful and make sure no pieces go missing.
You are always welcome to stay for a while when you collect your children to play with them, look at the Reflection Scrapbook, your child/ren's portfolio, or our Quality Improvement Plan. We’re always grateful for your feedback on any topic and any concerns or suggestions you may have. Write us a note, send us an email or a text message, or just have a chat to us.
If you need to cancel ASC please do so on the internet 24 hours in advance, otherwise leave a message on 0401 501 661 on the day, or pop in to let staff know you are collecting your child so that we know where the children are.
OSHClub is open 3:00-6:00pm. There is a $2/minute fee for each child that is picked up after 6pm.
Information for Families
OSHClub program phone: 0401 501 661
Coordinator: Kristen
Assistant: Emilia (Milly)
OSHClub Customer Service: 1300 395 735 oshaccounts@junioradventuresgroup.com.au
All families must be enrolled to attend the program, remember enrolling is Free!! Please create an account online at www.oshclub.com.au all bookings and cancellations can also be managed via your online account.
For on-the-day bookings please contact Kristen on 0401 501 661.