From the Principal's Desk

Year 5/6 City Camp
Last Thursday and Friday our Year 5/6 students attended their City Camp and were immersed in an array of cultural, educational and recreational activities that Melbourne has to offer. The jam packed itinerary included trips to IMAX , Melbourne Museum, Laneways and City tour including ACMI , SeaLife Aquarium and the Old Melbourne Gaol.
The children had a wonderful time and their behaviour, as usual, was superb. Well done!
Its important to thank our staff: Miss Melanie Larkin, Mr Bernard Hitch, Miss Stefanie Poropat, Mrs Nathalie Fraser, Mrs Anne Di Stefano and Mr Sam Hunt who gave of their time to be with the children 24/7.
We hope everyone has caught back up on their sleep.
Athletic's Carnival
Last week we were blessed with a beautiful 26° sunny day for our Athletics Carnival. Our children had an absolute ball participating in the array of events on offer. Thank you to all our wonderful parent helpers who assisted on the day and contributed to the success of the event. A huge thank you to Mr Sam Hunt who orchestrated the event.
Congratulations to all our children for the way they conducted themselves and joined in on all the events. A special congratulations to MacKillop who were crowned 2018 champions.
Mothers' Day
Please mark in your diaries our plans to celebrate Mothers' Day this year. On 11th May we plan to hold a Mothers' Day Breakfast similar to what we have for Fathers' Day. The idea of holding a breakfast rather than an afternoon tea or morning tea is to cater for our large number of working mums.
Breakfast will commence from 8:00am in the undercover area (unless we need to move to the hall if there is adverse weather) and mums and children are invited. We are calling for some dads to volunteer to work the BBQ on the morning so if you are available to assist, please respond here:
Following the breakfast we will hold our traditional Mothers' Day Stall. There will be a great selection of gifts for the children to purchase for their mothers (and grandmothers) with prices generally ranging from $1.00 to $8.00. It is up to each family to decide what is an appropriate amount of money for their child to spend at the stall.
We would love as many helpers as possible to assist with the set-up of the stall and the selling of the gifts on Friday from 8:45am -11:30am. It’s easy to volunteer…. Just turn up at 8:45am!
Thankyou to those parents who attended last week's PFA Annual General Meeting. You can access the full report via the Parent Partnership Page of our Newsletter.
Having said that I would like to acknowledge the work of our outgoing president, Mr Darren O'Brien, for his tireless efforts over the past 2 years in bringing our community together through PFA events, especially his work on our school Fetes. Thanks Darren!
A reminder that children are now expected to be in full winter uniform.
Building Program Update
Last Friday I met with architectural and Archdiocesan personnel for the official 'Tender Opening' for our upcoming Building Program. Tenders came in on budget so it's full steam ahead.
The Program will be completed in two stages:
Stage 1: Construction of our new Year 1/2 Learning Community. This will replace the existing Library and Italian Room and will remain with the same footprint so renovations will be completely internal.
Stage 2: Construction of the new Library & Resource Centre (in and around the current Year 1/2 area), the refurbishment of the Year Prep Learning Area and the refurbishment of the student toilets.
Stage 2 This will only commence after the completion of the first stage.
Obviously there will be changes to various programs and classroom arrangements so please stay tuned for more details.
It is expected that the works will commence in the coming weeks and all will be completed by the end of this year.
Proud Parents
Our Year Prep room was buzzing this morning as our children became the proud parents of seven baby chickens and were lucky enough to witness one of them actually hatch in front of their eyes.
Nonna Nives and Nanna Victoria are as proud as punch and even a little clucky!
With news of the births travelling fast our Prep room has been a sea of traffic with curious onlookers from all grades coming to see the newborns. Our Prep children now have the difficult task of working out names for each of their babies.
Fees and Levies
Thank you so much to all families who are up to date with fee and levy payments for 2018. Up-to-date accounts will be distributed via email on a monthly basis.
Remember that Fee/Levy instalments can be made online via EFT. Our Account details for EFT are:
Account Number: 488 033 614
BSB: 083 347
Many families are now using this option and we encourage families to set up regular periodical payments through your own bank.
Glee Club
Our 2018 Glee Club will be making their debut performance at next Monday's Morning Assembly. Feel free to attend.
Year 1/2 Gymnastics
Following the success of our Year 3/4 Gymnastic Program last term, this term our Year 1/2 Students will participate in the program conducted by Footscray City Gymnastics Club (FCGC) in Footscray, as part of the Australian Government's Sporting Schools Program.
Children will travel by bus to and from FCGC departing at approximately 11:45am and returning at approximately 1:15pm on the following days:
- Monday 7th May
- Monday 14th May
- Monday 21st May
- Monday 28th May
Children are required to wear their sports uniform on these days.
The program should provide a wonderful and different experience for our children.
Have a wonderful week
God Bless
Anthony Hyde