Education in Faith

A Prayer for Peace
(from the Brigidine Sisters in Australia)
God of peace, may we become peacemakers by:
feeding the hungry,
welcoming the stranger,
planting kindness and nurturing peace wherever we are.
God of Justice, may we become justice makers by:
sharing goodwill,
upholding the rights of all beings,
sharing our gifts and nurturing justice wherever we are.
We pray for these things with humility, because of the hope that is within us, and because of our faith in the ultimate triumph of the good over evil.
We pray because of our love for Creation and because of our trust in a loving God.
Above all, we pray for an end to violence, and for peace throughout the world. Amen.
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On Sunday 27 children from Corpus Christi Parish: Annunciation Primary School and Corpus Christi School, completed their initiation into the Catholic community by celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation. They were assisted by their sponsors, who have agreed to support them in their efforts to live the Christian life more fully.
We thank Bishop Mark Edwards and Fr John O'Connor for celebrating the Mass and Sacrament with us. We pray that the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit conferred on the children will continue to enrich their faith journey.
Congratulations to the newly confirmed:
Axel Arias Leo Azzopardi
Molly Brooks Natalie Cheesley
Cameron Clark Amy Crawford
Mark Cuni Rosabella D’Andrea
William Glewis Leila Gwynne
Isabella Ho Sean Lopez
Maia McLeod Ashley Miles
Huy Pham Carl Refardt
Anthony Tamburro Richard Tang
Nicholas Tamburro Zoe Taylor
Emma Tran Luke Trieu
Stephanie Vlahadames
Miss Jane Wilkinson
(Religious Education Leader)