Principal's Message

School Philosophy

Orchard Grove Primary School is committed to providing a safe, nurturing environment that engages curiosity, promotes learning, personal growth and wellbeing for all students. We strive to develop adaptability and resilience so students can become valued members of the local and global communities and be prepared for future life experiences.

From the Principal

Welcome back to our busiest term of the year. It is great to see the refreshed faces, of both students and staff, ready for an action-packed term of teaching, learning and celebration as we come to the end of another year.

This weekend, I returned from a study tour of Canada. It was an extremely full program, visiting  the Provinces (like our States) of Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia. Their education system is quite different to ours, as each Province runs their own system with no Federal Government overlay like we have.  We met with ministries in each province, then with multiple boards (like our Regional offices) and then schools.  There were many 'take aways' for us all, but also it was very much an affirming experience of what we are doing here at OGPS. There is no doubt that our approach to education at Orchard Grove is very much research-based and we are always focusing on best practice; I am proud to say that our school very much held its own against the schools we visited in Canada.  I believe our classroom experience is more child-centred and adjusted to the needs of the individual more than what I observed in the classrooms in each of the Provinces we visited.  I believe that, if Canada is held up as being an icon for education, Orchard Grove PS is right up there with them. I might add that I believe that our school is so successful because we have a parent body who values education highly and, on the whole, our students come to school ready and willing to learn. We have very few issues around poor behaviour which allows us, as teachers, to concentrate on solid teaching and learning and, frankly, that is rare. In addition, we have a staff of learners, who are keen to improve their practice and strive to be the best.  Overall, we are in a sweet spot in education that we can be very proud of as a community.


How exciting! The FIESTA is just around the corner and many families have already purchased the wrist bands for the fantastic rides we have in store.  Please make sure that all purchases of wrist bands have been made by midnight Wednesday 23rd. The bands themselves will be delivered to each child during the day on the Friday of FIESTA.

Look out on Facebook and Compass for notifications about the FIESTA, as these portals will provide you with the most up-to-date information.  Please tell all your friends and family, and encourage as many people as possible to come along.  All money raised goes towards school grounds improvements, which is an area that we receive no funding for and we are reliant on fundraising. 

Projects Around the School

I would like to thank one of our parents, Rowan Johnston, who repaired one of our ageing seats in the playground over the holidays.  Rowan approached the school and offered to repair the seat which we certainly appreciate and, as you can see from the attached photo, it is already being well utilised.



As you know, we are always working to find ways to improve our buildings and grounds where our budget permits, and we have heard about a competition running at the moment by the washing detergent brand OMO. They are giving out $20,000 grants to schools for grounds improvements. Mr Adam Todd will let you know a little more about it further into the newsletter. If you are able, it would be great for as many people as possible to enter the competition and nominate OGPS for the grant.

Kate Halford, one of our amazing school councillors, has assisted us in submitting a request for a grant, via our local federal member of Parliament, for a $20,000 grant to assist in a school grounds improvement project.  As you know, we raised money through the Colour Run event to revamp and refurbish the amphitheatre area. If successful, we are hoping to put the grant money together with our already raised funds to complete this project.  We would like to thank Kate for her assistance with this and will keep you posted if we are successful. We should hear in December.

Bike Parking Etiquette 

It is the season for bike riders and it is great to see so many children riding their bikes to school now the weather is on the improve. If your child rides their bike to school, please reinforce the importance of not just dropping their bike in the bike shed and leaving. We are having a bit of a problem with bikes not being stowed in an individual bike rack. This then causes damage to other bikes and absolute bedlam when it comes to home time. Your help with this would be much appreciated. 

Channel 9 Today Show

We have again been contacted by the Channel 9 Today Show for them to come to Melbourne and do a story about Ruby.  We are trying now to find another day that will suit us both.  We will let you know when that will be.  It is terrific that they are so keen to come and see our program in action.


Well, that's all from me for this week.  Have a great weekend with the family and talk soon.

Glenda Harry
