Year 3

3D Shapes

Last week the grade 3 students were exploring 3D shapes for their maths work. They were asked to search their house and find as many 3D shapes as they could and then to identify each one. They then had to put together a plan for a 3D shapes model based on  a scene from their narratives which they had created the week before. During the second half of the week they then had to build their 3D shapes model using either objects from around the house or by creating shapes using 3D nets.

After the had finalised their models, they took a photo and labelled the 3D shapes by marking up the picture. They uploaded these onto Compass to share with their teachers and classmates.


The students did an amazing job with their plans and creations and they were very resourceful in using the objects they had at home. It looked like everyone had a great time building their models and we had a great time viewing all their creations.