Administration News


Office Hours

8:15am - 4:00pm

(Closed during school holidays)

ph: 8560 6079


Camps, Excursion and Incursion Payments

We are continually trying to improve the way we organise and communicate events to the Dohertys Creek community. Part of this process is to ensure that Parents/Carers are given sufficient time to provide payment and consent for future excursions and incursions. To support this process we ask that parent always provide electronic consent. If this is an issue for you please contact the administration team who will support you through this process as handwritten notes or verbal consent can not be accepted.


We also recommend logging on to Compass regularly to ensure you do not miss the closing dates for upcoming events as late payment and/or consent will not be accepted under any circumstances.


The safety of our students is paramount and having these processes in place helps ensure that we have all of our bases covered when students leave the College under our care.

Updating Contact Details

Have you or your family circumstances changed? Mobile phone and email addresses can be updated on Compass. For all other changes, please notify the General Office either in person or via email at


Did you know that absences can be entered directly into Compass by Parents/Carers? This is our preferred method of communication, however Parents/Carers can also contact the school to discuss attendance issues or report a student absence (preferably before 8.40 am).


Late arrivals

All students arriving late to school (ie. after 8.50am) must report to the Administration Office before heading to their classroom to obtain a late pass. This late pass then needs to be handed to their teacher. Students will be directed back up to the office by the teacher if they do not have a late pass.


Early Leavers

All parents wishing to collect their child/ren early (ie. before 3pm) must report to the Administration Office before heading to their child's classroom to obtain an early leavers pass. This early leavers pass will then need to be handed to their teacher. Parents will be directed to the Administration Office by the teacher to obtain an early leavers pass before a student is released from class.


Dohertys Creek P-9 College have a uniform policy and appreciate your parent support in ensuring children are in correct uniform each day.  Please ensure all uniform items are named.

Some reminders:

  • Only school shirts or tshirts can be worn
  • Hoodies are not part of the school uniform and can not be worn.
  • Only blue leggings can be worn under tunics or skorts (patterned leggings are not part of the uniform)
  • Navy headscarves and turbans can be worn.
  • ribbons can be red blue or white
  • socks must be white
  • black shoes should be worn

Term Dates


January 29 2019 - April 5 2019


April 23 2019 - June 28 2019


July 15 2019 - September 20 2019


October 7 2019 - December 20 2019

Curriculum Days

Friday 21st June

Monday 5th August

Monday 28th October

OSH Club

Should you require before, after school care or vacation care for your child or would like further information in regards to the services and programs that they provide, please contact OSHClub on 1300 395 735 or .