Other area updates

School Administration Support Staff (SASS) are assisting with maintaining links between students, parents and on-site staff. We have at least 2 staff members on-site each day to handle enquiries and provide support when required. Student and staff attendance is being recorded and appropriate returns compiled and sent to District Office.
Parent online payments are being processed along with normal finance tasks, including account payments and ordering online resources for the current learning environment as requested by teaching staff.
We are also utilizing our time to take part in online professional learning and updating administrative resources.
School Counsellors
Our School Counsellors are also working remotely and will be in contact with Senior Executive regularly
to prioritise the management of students deemed to be particularly vulnerable. This will occur via phone and telehealth models over video conferencing. This has already commenced, including students from MCS, and the immediate feedback has been that families have appreciated this contact.
Secondary Learning and support teachers (LaST) and Student Learning & Support Staff (SLSO's)
Reading groups will move online commencing Term 2, these will be conducted by Zoom and held 4 times per week. Individual Zoom classes have been scheduled with LaST and SLSO’s to give students support with tasks.Teachers are encouraged to access LaST for task modification and support.
A planning matrix is to be developed for students requiring support and included with Individualised Education Plans.
Lunch time ‘Virtual B2’ room to be set up, students can access if they need help from LaST or SLSO’s, days will be allocated, this will also enable students to connect with friends outside their year group.
LaST will call those students who we know are vulnerable and needing support.
Support resources will be assessed and distributed to those students who need it.
Primary Learning and support teachers (LaST) and Student Learning & Support Staff (SLSO's)
LaST are assisting with programming and implementation of online learning for Stage 1 and attend daily Zoom meetings with Stage 1 staff. LaST are also answering parent/student queries on Google Classroom each Tuesday. There are regular phone calls and weekly Zoom meetings between LaST and SLSO to plan future activities.
SLSO’s are in contact with Integration students weekly to touch base with how they are progressing with online learning. SLSO’s will be creating videos to share with their students in the near future.
Teachers are encouraged to seek LaST to support and differentiate learning, when required.
SLSO’s are participating in a range of online Professional Learning.
LaST are working on how to continue individual learning and support programs online in Term 2.