Our Primary are using Google Classroom, workbooks, recorded Zoom lessons and a variety of online websites which we have purchased subscriptions. As our staff continue to improve their remote delivery, our Primary delivery will continue to evolve in Term 2.
Primary Frequently asked questions (FAQS)
In an attempt to assist all parents and students we would like to share a series of FAQS that might alleviate some stress. Please be aware that this list is by no means a list of all possible questions, feel free to call the Deputy if you have other concerns. This list is our best response at this stage, as due to the ever changing circumstance these responses may need to vary at a later stage.
- How will we assess Spelling?
There will not be any formalised spelling tests. Parents are encouraged to assess how their child is going with their spelling, either by getting them to write down sentences with the words in them, or by running their own spelling test.
- Why are there so many different logins
Many of our online resources set our students passwords for them. Therefore, we are unable to make each password the same.
- Why aren’t the Primary Teachers running interactive Zoom lessons?
Primary will begin uploading recorded lessons from next week. These will become more intensive if we continue this way next term. By recording the lesson, parents can access the recording at a time convenient to them.
- Is there an opportunity to ask questions of the teacher?
The phones at school are being answered. We will try to assist you immediately. If this is not possible, an email will be sent to one of the classroom teachers and they will return your call as soon as possible. Remember they might call you from a private number.
- How will the teacher be engaging with my child?
There are a number of methods as outlined above, the key methods will be Google Classroom, Email and Zoom. Telephone calls will also be made to students who are finding it difficult to engage, to give the personal support needed. Please expect that these phone calls may come up as private numbers.
You can also write messages through the Google Classroom.
- Why does my computer keep logging into one of my other kids accounts?
Internet browsers are too clever and remember passwords, even when you log off, even when you restart! On our Facebook Page you will find a tutorial of how to open up a private browser. Sometimes this is called an incognito window. If you do this, the browser will not remember stored passwords.
- Why won’t this movie play?
Try using a different browser. In your start menu you may have the option of Chrome, Explorer, Microsoft Edge. Try a different browser and see if it plays.
- Is it compulsory for my child to engage in at home learning?
Your child needs to engage to some extent for attendance to be recorded, also the more you can get them to engage the easier learning will be when they return to school. Do your best and seek support from their teacher.
- I’m embarrassed that I don’t know how to fix my own computer issues…
We are here to support you!
- I’m embarrassed that I don’t know how do the maths my child is doing…
We are here to support you!
- How do you do this day in and day out???
We chose this career and have years of experience. All children behave differently for their parents and loved ones. We think you are all amazing!