
Key Learning Areas


New Google Classrooms have been established for all English Years 7-10 groups. 

Students will continue to work online on the Wordflyers platform and a Writing Challenge task will be set for Friday each week on their Google Classroom. 

English Assessment Tasks for Years 7-10 were due in these last weeks of Term 1 and we had started to work on them in class during Week 8. Year 7’s task was due in Week 9, under the care and direction of Ms Vardanega. We are still waiting for some of these tasks to be submitted. Their module of work for Term 2 was uploaded to the Google Classroom and Ms Vardanega is conducting two Zoom sessions per week.

Year 8 are finalising their Assessment Task which is due at the end of this week and they will also move to the module that has been uploaded to their Google classroom. Ms Vardanega is working with them on Zoom.

Year 9 has an extended piece of writing due on Friday. Students are submitting drafts to Mrs Eccleston for assistance and Mrs Healey is leading their Zoom sessions. The Shakespeare’s Voices Module has been uploaded to their classroom, ready for them to commence their Term 2 studies.

Year 10 are developing their understanding of the narrative techniques used in novels and will move on to Shakespeare’s Meanings in Term 2. Mrs Healey is leading their Zoom lessons.

Stage 6 continue to study their modules with their class teachers through material on their specific Google Classrooms and also through Zoom sessions run by their teacher. Specific assistance is being given to students via email.

Maths and TAS

All classes from Year 7 to 12 have been allocated structured Maths Online Tasks through which they are working. Hard copies of all worksheets, summaries and solutions have also been provided to all students. Each teacher is then providing Zoom lessons, which focus on the key ideas covered in each of these. Teachers are then accessing additional resources for all students, with Google Classrooms created for all groups as a central point to store lessons from Zoom, as well as resources. While Year 7 & 8 have single teachers looking after year groups, from Year 9 up teachers are looking after individual level groups.

TAS: All classes have been assigned hard copies of work with Google classes and Zoom meetings set up for all classes. Teachers are embracing the use of the Online Learning Environment with Mr Mitch Ackers and Mr Matt Sugden standing up as instructors and mentors across the Secondary school. VET classes continue to work on their competency units with Zoom lessons supplementing this learning.

Our daily 1pm Zoom catch-ups have allowed us to check in with each other and stay abreast of latest developments, while becoming more familiar with the Zoom platform and the tricks which we are each using.

Below is a interesting link from Mr Costa


Ms Bec Vis and Mrs Alicia Chisholm have transitioned extremely well with their Senior classes, (11 &12 CAFS, 11 & 12 Business Studies), by organising alternative means of delivering, completing and providing feedback for assessment tasks, that have proven very effective given the circumstances.

The Junior HSIE classes have now fallen into a steady routine of work being set and collected on the Google Classroom and reviewed and discussed during online seminars.


PDHPE has also fallen into a steady pattern of delivery through Google classroom and review and evaluation of learning through online seminars. Seniors seem to have taken the new means of delivery in their stride and are progressing as best as they are able, there is a good buy-in to the new system. Online lessons have also been thoroughly supported by take home packs, which were provided prior to the bulk of students leaving the school.

Mrs Jane Quigley is working hard on a PE program, which while not necessarily following syllabus, provides the community service of a range of physical activities that students can perform at home with no equipment. Her aim is to keep kids off the lounge for at least some part of each day.


Year 9 and 10 Work Education students continue to work from the online program which Mr Carl Thorne has had in use all year. There is a considerable amount of disappointment expressed regarding the postponement of Work Experience, which had been the central topic for all learning in Year 10. Mr Thorne has now set an alternative task to allow the students to meet outcomes.

Work Education students are also completing administrative work too,  such as applying for USI’s, registering on the Job Jump website, subject selections etc,  in order to smooth their return to school whenever that may occur.

Science/LOTE/Visual Arts

Booklets were handed out before most students began online lessons. In addition to the booklets, students are also using powerpoints, Kahootz and Google Classroom to complete questions and activities. For most,  Google Classrooms have been in use well before this year to access material, assessments etc (particularly seniors).

In addition staff are:

  • Learning to use collaborative tools such as google docs, slides, creation of websites
  • Online games, simulations, video’s
  • Using zoom to inform where students should be up to, direct  work and answer questions from students