HASS, Science and Languages

A double lesson of Science each week, will provide opportunities for students to build onto their skills, knowledge and understandings to develop a scientific view of the world.
Topics and themes will be integrated with other subject areas and classroom happenings as well as current events and phenomena. This term our main focus will be on Physical sciences, exploring forces and investigating the effect of forces on the behaviour of an object. This will be followed next term by Chemical sciences, enabling investigations of natural and processed materials and how the properties of those materials influence their use.
Throughout the semester students will develop their Science Inquiry Skills through posing questions, making predictions, planning and conducting scientific investigations, and measuring, recording and communicating their observations. Data collection to identify patterns and compare findings with predictions is also a vital component. Safety will be paramount when using all tools and equipment and students are encouraged to actively consider sustainability by being resourceful and not wasteful.
Sofia Andreucci
Students will draw on their growing experience of their community and beyond. They will use information sources and observations to develop understandings about History, Geography and Civics and Citizenship.
Students will have opportunities to develop understanding through key concepts of - significance; continuity and change; cause and effect; place and space; interconnections; roles, rights and responsibilities; and perspectives and action.
Students will be learning how to effectively question, research, analyse, evaluate, reflect and communicate. This semester the students will in their year groups investigating Civics and Citizenship followed by History and Geography.
The Year 3 curriculum focuses on the diversity of people and places in their local community and beyond, and how people participate in their communities.
The Year 4 curriculum focuses on interactions between people, places and environments over time and space and the effects of these interactions.
Each class has one 50 minute German lesson per week with Frau Edwards in the Morphett Building, Room 22. Lessons include oral interactions; listening and speaking as well as opportunities to read, write and respond to a variety of texts. Students use modelled language to create conversations, pose and answer questions and create their own texts.
Students are encouraged to work together and use new language knowing that practice builds confidence. Repetition, revision and reflection are all important aspects of understanding and being able to recall vocabulary.
Students will also have opportunities to learn online including using Duolingo accounts created and introduced at school.
Libby Edwards