Curriculum Matters 

Level 2

On Wednesday, the level 2s visited the Royal Botanic Gardens in Cranbourne. 

While we were there, we took part in the ‘Shared Country’ experience, where we learnt about the Boonwurrung people of the Kulin nation. It was fascinating to learn about native plant life, and how the First Nations people used nature to create tools, food and art. 

It was a fantastic day!

Level 6

On the 14th of February, two specially trained Victorian Police came to Jells Park Primary School and talked to the Year 6’s. 

They showed us a PowerPoint on how to be safe online such as making up safe passwords like Purple-Spaghetti-Tigers and not sharing personal information without parent permission. They also showed us what equipment they had in their belt to keep themselves safe. One of the police named Jackie showed us her baton and gave her cuffs to us to play with. She also showed us her pepper spray which she would spray into the criminal’s eyes and it would’ve felt like soap in your eyes but for half an hour. 

We learnt a lot about being safe online and appreciated them coming in to speak to us.