
Huān yíng huí lái欢迎回来! Welcome back to LOTE!


Welcome Level 3 students starting to learn Chinese Mandarin this year. 

We have started with basic Chinese greetings “nǐ hǎo你好” (hello) and “xiè xie谢谢” (thank you), and learning about China. We have also learned how to introduce ourselves by saying “Nǐ hǎo! Wǒ jiào… 你好!  我叫…” (Hello! My name is…). 


Welcome Level 4, 5 and 6 students back to LOTE! 

We began this year with learning more about China and Beijing. We identified where China is located on a world map, and labelled the location of Beijing, China’s capital city. We have also been practicing greetings and numbers in Mandarin as these are frequently used in everyday life, therefore it is important for us to keep practicing when learning Chinese Mandarin. 

Miss Choi

JPPS Languages