A message from     

 the Principal

Welcome to 2023, this year we have a total of 520 students enrolled at our school. It is wonderful to see our student body grow and diversify, and I look forward to welcoming our new students and continuing to support all of our students in their educational pursuits.


Last week we started the re-building program to reinvigorate the school’s physical spaces. Now, this has officially started we are hopeful of a completion date in August. The grass in the quad is growing well & we hope to have students back on here ASAP.


I would like to commend our students on their participation in the recent school swimming carnival. It was fantastic to see so many students getting involved and supporting their peers. I would like to congratulate all of the students who participated and thank our staff for organising such a successful event.


Finally, I would like to remind everyone to keep an eye out for our new advertising campaign. An ad for KHS is now running on local bus routes, so keep an eye out for it!


Thank you for your continued support of our school. I look forward to a successful 2023 working with all in the KHS community.


Simon McKinney

Executive Principal