VCE Vocational Major & VET

VCE Vocational Major (VCE VM)
Coburg High School's inaugural VCE VM class have started the year with a bang!
The students started out getting to know each other as a team, and have since started their VET courses, begun planning their Structured Workplace Learning for later in term 2, engaged in team-building activities, worked on their emotional intelligence, reflected on their personal identity, investigated different careers, started planning a whole school event, made some delicious brownies, supported the running of the swimming carnival, developed resources for Year 7s and developed skills in financial maths in order to organise a barbeque fundraiser!
We have already seen so much growth in the students and can't wait to watch the amazing things they will continue to achieve this year!
Watch out for more in the next newsletter!
Olivia Stray & the VCE VM Teaching Team
Our years 10 & 11 students have started VET for the year and students have been super excited about their new opportunities! We have students attending courses in Carpentry, Beauty, Early Childhood Care, Allied Health, Community Services, Plumbing, Integrated Technologies, Screen and Media and many more!
If you are a year 9 who is interested in VET, keep an eye out for opportunities to come in 2024 via Compass.
Olivia Stray
VET Coordinator